I'm forwarding the following on behalf of Shawn Akin, whose own post disappeared into the byte bucket somewhere:

important me related information
"Shawn.K.Akin-1" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 03:07:56 -0500
[log in to unmask]

well, ive been putting it off but i guess now is as good a time as any to introduce myself
Shawn K. Akin, back to school last year after a prolonged absence spent working in a climate controlled, windowless, buzzing room full of computers for The City of Edmond, where i am still employed
besides professional writing, i am pursuing a minor degree in philosophy and i am considering a second degree in film...with hopes of graduating in time to have my grandchildren read my letters of rejection to me

my schedule has prevented me from attending any of the meetings so far, will any fall on the weekend or after 11:00 pm?

i write anything but never finish and look forward to any critque groups, i offer myself to help with the website or anything else for that matter

superfluous quote
"I subscribe to the Cortez philosophy. I may get there slowly, but when I do I burn all the goats"
--Dan Rather