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Brianna Versteeg
Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:18:31 -0500
Hey everyone elections are TONIGHT at 9pm in Dale Hall 122. If you cannot make it and still want to run email me a short statement and what position you are interested in and I will read it to the group so you can still get involved. FREE POPCORN! =] 

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Brianna Versteeg
Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:00:28 -0500
Hey Habitat!

Our last meeting of the school year will be TOMORROW! APRIL 29TH at 9PM in Dale Hall 122. We will be having elections and I will bring FREE POPCORN!! Please come to vote even if you aren't interested in a position.

If you want to RUN IN THE ELECTION come prepared to talk about yourself for a minute or so and let me know when you get there what position(s) you are interested in or email me. You may run for more than one position and there are no requirements to run OR vote so sign up!

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Brianna Versteeg
Thu, 24 Apr 2014 09:41:33 -0500
Hey Habitat!

Our last meeting of the school year will be APRIL 29TH at 9PM in Dale Hall 122! That is a Tuesday. We will be having elections and I will bring FREE POPCORN!! Please come to vote even if you aren't interested in a position.

If you want to RUN IN THE ELECTION come prepared to talk about yourself for a minute or so and let me know when you get there what position(s) you are interested in or email me. You may run for more than one position and there are no requirements to run OR vote so

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Brianna Versteeg
Mon, 7 Apr 2014 12:13:54 -0500
Hey everyone!

Our last meeting of the school year will be APRIL 29TH at 9PM in Dale Hall 122! That is a Tuesday. We will be having elections and I will bring FREE POPCORN!! Please come to vote even if you aren't interested in a position.

If you want to RUN IN THE ELECTION come prepared to talk about yourself for a minute or so and let me know when you get there what position(s) you are interested in or email me. You may run for more than one position and there are no requirements to run OR vote so

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Brianna Versteeg
Tue, 1 Apr 2014 10:18:08 -0500
Hey guys! We REALLY need help today from 11:30 to 12:30, none of the exec can watch our table on the south oval. Really you just would need to stand there and make sure no one takes our stuff for that hour so that I can go to class. Please email me or text at 405-657-9599 if you can help! 

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