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Sender: OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
From: Brad Pazoureck <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:41:48 -0600
Content-Type: text/plain
MIME-Version: 1.0
Reply-To: OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (32 lines)

Your request was sent in yesterday.  They are working on a long list of
requests right now.  It has taken about a day and a half or so for them to
get to requests.


-----Original Message-----
From: Danny G Smith [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:55 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: network lockdown issues

I took a couple of weeks off and got back and all of the ports were blocked.
I am curious,  has any department been able to get ports
reopened, i.e. sendmail, http, ssh, etc.   Has anyone tried setting up a
vpn connection from offcampus thru linux or mac to omrf, are the
technologies compatable?

Danny G Smith

Crystallography Core Computer Manager / Sr UNIX Sys Adm
Crystallography Dept Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
phone(405)271-8954   fax(405)271-7953   dept(405)271-1672
UNIX air conditioned environment, keep the windows closed