1. Those wishing to serve on the executive committee next semester
should contact President Stephanie Huey ([log in to unmask]), or
any exec member, for information about meeting times and
responsibilities. Being on exec is not a huge devotion of time
resources, but at the same time, you need to be reliable and
responsible with what you do take on.
2. Build update: the house will be weatherproofed before semester
break. Several of our partner organizations have been to the build
site this semester, but next semester we will be having member build
days. The first member build date is February 12.
3. Active members are eligible to participate in member builds; they
are members who have attended at least 3 meetings and participated in
at least one fundraiser. If you have questions about your status,
contact Membership/Education Chair Kirtan Nautiyal, [log in to unmask]
4. Sadly, the hayride was canceled, and it's too late in the semester
to try to reschedule. If you have other ideas for Habi-social events,
contact Social Chair Josh Bradt, [log in to unmask]
5. This weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) we will be giftwrapping at
Border's. We sit at a table and wrap people's gifts, who then donate
money to us because they will feel guilty if they don't. (Or they
don't, and feel guilty; or don't, and are heartless.) The shifts are
2 hours and I'm not sure if there are still any open. To find
out/help, email VP Emily Comstock, [log in to unmask]
6. If you ordered one of our Habitat T-shirts, they're here! You
should get it. Also, if you haven't paid, you should do that.
Contact pretty much any exec member, I'd say.
7. Festival of Giving tickets--if you sold them (or didn't sell them,
as the case may be =), and you still haven't returned your money (or
leftover tickets), contact me, Secretary Clint Givens, [log in to unmask]
8. Our next member meeting is January 25th. Merry Christmas, Happy
Chanukah, Blessed Ramadan, Joyous Winter Solstice, good luck on
finals, see you next year!
Clint Givens