I want to apologize in advance for the political nature of this
e-mail. If I didn't feel that it was of great importnace and in the
interest of our organization to iniform you, I would not be doing so.
This will not become a regular practice. Thank you for your
understanding, now please read on.
Dear OU Students,
Elections are being held today and tomorrow at elections.ou.edu
In addition to voting on congress representatives, there are two
referendums on the ballot.
The first of which, Referendum 1, seeks to dissolve the current
bicameral legislature and create a new student senate that would
consist of both undergrad and grad. students. In this new senate,
seats would be allocated by academic population, so there would be a
proportional number of graduate students to undergrads. This
referendum also hopes to cut down on the in-fighting between the two
groups by forcing them to work out their issues as one legislative
body. A new Graduate Student Association would be created to insure a
continuation of services to grad. students, without being part of the
legislative body. The refrendum could also save up to $10,000.00 that
could be used to benefit other parts of UOSA or student organizations.
Out of the big 12 schools, we are the only student government with a
bicameral legislature.
Referendum 2, would seek to give the two legislative bodies (student
congress and graduate senate) the ability to pass exclusive
legislation dealing only with their constituents. This would remove a
vital form of checks and balances in the decision making process, and
ignores the fact that very little legislation that goes through our
student congress only affects one group exclusively.
I obviously support referendum 1. I am looking at this from the
perspective of how it benefits student organizations, such as our own.
I know the people that are championing referendum 1 and I can tell you
that they want to make the system run more efficiently and to better
serve all OU students.
In closing, I encourage you all to vote, regardless of your stance on
this issue.
Eric Webb
Manager/Administrative Coordinator, O.U. Improv!
Phone: (405) 307-9769
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
AIM: thelastavatar
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