Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:07:27 -0500
O.U. Improv! (Obviously Unrehearsed Improv! or OUI! For short) will
perform this Saturday, October 23rd, in the Oklahoma Memorial Union.
The show is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. in the Union's Frontier Room
on the 2nd floor. Admission is free and open to the public. Some
material may not be suitable for all audiences. Audience participation
is encouraged and appreciated.
Check out our new website at <www.ouimprov.com>.
Upcoming O.U. Improv! Fall Performances
-Tues. 11/02: Vote '04 Laughs- OMU Ballroom (8pm)
-Sat. 11/20: OMU Performance- Frontier Room (8pm)
For more information or to make special arrangements contact Eric Webb
at 307-9769 or at <[log in to unmask]>.
For booking and availability contact Amber Sears at (405) 788-5107 or
at <[log in to unmask]>.
Want to get more involved with O.U. Improv?
No experience? No Problem!
If you're interested in joining up as a player, our Understudy Team
meets this Friday from 4:00-6:00pm in the Sooner Room of the Union
(next to Crossroads on the 1st Floor of the Union).
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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]