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Tue, 13 Dec 2005 04:09:21 +0900
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Dear Our media people-

Quick personal update from the new media and social transformation
conference in Hongkong: we felt the lot of momentum from the anti-wto events
(see e.g. http://targetwto.revolt.org/), which are sparking a big wave of
media activism and networks. We agreed we should use this impetus, reflect
on what happened this week, learn more from media movements in other parts
of the world, claim our history, develop our strategy. In a side-meeting, we
decided to collaborate on an "interlocal east asia" site and list for
bridging language and cultural barriers in alternative media content

The conference was organized by in-media, a local HK activist online media
related to indymedia and blogger activism in taiwan and china. Activists
from Indymedia japan, in-media, cooloud (labor-movement site in taiwan) and
mediact (public media center s korea), progressive journalists and
journalistic bloggers from chinese speaking communities, media educators,
academics and others spoke as invited panelists. Many more participated in
the discussions- ample time was given and everyone who wanted to speak was
given the opportunity. A major debate revolved around ohmynews' (s korea)
perceived co-option of media activist agendas, especially of the
participatory journalism model for commercial and policital profit.

I briefly introduced the ourmedia network, and there was great interest. It
is clear that we could use the historical experiences of many of our media
members, especially in the americas. Conference participants felt that they
wanted to gather again, possibly under the banner of our media, or an our
media east asia section. mediact (korea) offered to host a conference next
year, and there was strong support by taiwan, japan, honkgong and malaysia
based organizations and academics. It would seem to make sense that we
should collaborate to put together a proposal to ourmedia.

However, I must say I was very frustrated last year with the conference
selection process. Like this time, there was a very strongly worded list of
requirements and a deadline, yet the bangalore location was selected before
the deadline, without having submitted the full form. Also, the proposal was
put forth by a member of the selection committee.

Several groups in taiwan and korea were working across several language
barriers on proposals (mediact was even asked by a steering committee member
to submit one), when it became clear that the race was decided before it was
officially supposed to be. They were very much put out. I am disinclined to
work with taiwan and korea-based groups on another proposal if the selection
process is going to be as poorly coordinated and un-transparent as last

It is also hard to see why om is making such strict demands and stipulations
considering we have nothing to offer the organizers in return, not even an
organizational infrastructure.


On 12/10/05 4:20, "Mavic Cabrera-Balleza" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear Stefania and all,
> I think we need to make clear that they are 2 separate meetings - with
> separate specific objectives --although it would be good to find ways to
> make 'cross-fertilization' possible. By the way, the dates for the AMARC
> 9 in Jordan are: Nov 11-17, 2006.
> The polycentric approach similar to the World Social Forum next year is
> also an interesting idea but would require more organizing and
> coordinating efforts, I believe.
> What if we start with defining the objectives of the next OM conference?
> Warm regards,
> Mavic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among
> alternative media academics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
> Of liffey
> Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 8:39 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: next OM conference
> There is also the World Bank World Congress on Communication for
> Development, in ROme, Italy, 25-27 October.
> We were thinking (still on a very abstract way) to do some alternative
> event.
> Altough I am not sure at all OM should be hosted in Italy - not even
> sure there would be enough support (in terms of organising committee: we
> do need this time some "stronger" organisation!)
> I would love Amman! - but is there any risk that the conference would be
> taken over by radio people? ;)
> btw, our event in london is going on (and Ourmedia was mentioned several
> times, so that we are in our mind at least connected with you there!),
> there is a general good feeling, together with a sunny day. A detailed
> report of the debate will be circulated to the list next week!
> ciao!
> Stefania M.
>> Dear Juan and all,
>> I'm not sure if you have already discussed the next Our Media
>> Conference.
>> Just the same, I would like to inform the group that the next KnowHow
>> conference which is held once every four years will be held in Mexico
> in
>> August 2006. The Know How Conference on the "World of Women's
>> Information is a process of sharing knowledge and expertise between
>> women's information specialists throughout the globe. "
>> The other event and venue that we can consider if we want to hold Our
>> Media back to back (with a certain event) is the AMARC International
>> conference in Amman, Jordan in November 2006. I could give you the
> exact
>> dates later.
>> I think it will not be difficult to meet the OM criteria for both
> venues
>> -- the KnowHow conference might just be a little too soon though.
>> Best,
>> Mavic
>> Mavic Cabrera-Balleza
>> Senior Programme Associate
>> International Women's Tribune Centre
>> Tel : 1 212 687 8633 ext. 200
>> Fax: 1 212 661 2704
>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among
>> alternative media academics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
>> Of Juan Salazar
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 2:15 AM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: OM5 update 2
>> Hi again from Bangalore
>> I understand Alfonso will be sending out a summary of day 2 in the
> next
>> couple of hours. I just wanted to thank everyone sending their support
>> and suggestions. They have been tabled for tomorrow's end of
> conference
>> OM meeting. I'd like to invite you to suggest any ideas or proposals
> for
>> a next conference so we can discuss them tomorrow, thursday 12pm GMT
>> aprox. The criteria is on the OM site. Basically what we would
> consider
>> is strong local commitment to host an OM conference, funding
>> possibilities and time frames; links to any other conferences; cost of
>> living in host city and location. The proposed time frame so far would
>> be between december 2006 and june 2007 but will depend on all the
> other
>> variables.
>> more soon
>> Juan
>> ________________________________
>> From: Dorothy Kidd [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>> Sent: Wed 12/7/2005 3:24 AM
>> To: Juan Salazar
>> Cc: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: OM5 day one / NM 5 dia 1
>> Dear Juan:
>> Thanks very much for your report.  Our Media 5 sounds like it has been
>> an excellent  event. I hope to hear more
>> from you all, and from our friends meeting in Colombia, and those
>> associated with Our Media about to meet in
>> Hong Kong at the WTO meetings.
>> best,
>> Dorothy Kidd.
>> Dept. of Media Studies,
>> University of San Francisco.
>> 2130 Fulton St.
>> San Francisco, California  94117-1080.
>> 415-422-5061
>> [log in to unmask]
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Juan Salazar <[log in to unmask]>
>> Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5:29 am
>> Subject: OM5 day one / NM 5 dia 1
>>> Dear all
>>> Thank you to those who have send their support and greeting to
>>> those having their own OM conferences in different parts of the
>>> world. I don't have time tonight to send a translated version, so
>>> apologies to the spanish-speaking members. We will try again
>>> tomorrow, if not we will definitely send the final report in
>>> spanish and english to be posted on the OM site.
>>> Here is a brief summary of some of the activities we held today on
>>> our first day of presentations.
>>> The opening welcome was offered by Professor K.E.Eapan, founder of
>>> the department of communication at the University of Bangalore.
>>> Professor Eapan introduced the conference by briefly making
>>> reference to the legacy of community studies in India, his
>>> involvement in the teaching of communication studies since 1952 and
>>> the current difficult situation of community media studies and
>>> policy in India. He pointed out the importance of having a meeting
>>> like this one here in India.
>>> Following was Dr Sham P. Thomas, director of the department of
>>> communication at the UTC in Bangalore who welcomed the participants
>>> on behalf of the staff of UTC - hosts of the conference.
>>> The opening address was given by Alfonso Gumucio-Dagron who traced
>>> the nature of Our Media as a network, not only through a brief
>>> summary of the past 4 conferences, but also by poibnting out some
>>> of the challenges that lie ahead. As you can see in Alfonso's
>>> document -attached- it was clearly a call for engaging in dialogue
>>> and facilitating the process of networking. The address has in a
>>> sense set the tone of the conference for the 3 days ahead. For the
>>> first time OM has been held in Asia, outside of the Americas or
>>> Europe; for the first time it isn't tied as a pre-conference to any
>>> other conference (ICA, IAMCR etc); for the first time it has been
>>> held over 4 days and has been organized without formal structures
>>> of funding in place. Alfonso again mentioned the unfortunate event
>>> of our Colombian colleagues who were discriminated by not being
>>> given a Visa in time to come.
>>> The first day of presentations begun with 2 keynote speakers. Raghu
>>> Mainali, coordinator of Save Community Radio Nepal and Lawrence
>>> Liang a senior researcher from Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore.
>>> Raghu Mainali gave a dramatic account of the delicate situation of
>>> independent media in Nepal since the events of February, 1st, 2005,
>>> particularly through a case study of community radio broadcasting
>>> amid government repression.
>>> Lawrence Liang gave an engaging, lucid, humorous account of the
>>> position of independent media in the Indian scape, situated in a
>>> delicate situation between the explosion of global corporate Indian
>>> media (film industry, IT industry etc) and the panoptic gaze of the
>>> Indian government
>>> A long, lively and interesting debate followed where it was decided
>>> that the conference will end with an OM declaration to be tested in
>>> months to come...The declaration will be drafted in the next couple
>>> of days and discussed by the participants on thursday during the
>>> last OM round table. In principle the declaration will incorporate
>>> a note of protest for the discrimination to the Colombian
>>> colleagues, a note of solidarity and call to stop the Nepalese
>>> government violent reaction against community radio broadcasters in
>>> Kathmandu, as well as an appeal to the Indian government to provide
>>> specific legislation to protect, and legitimize community media in
>>> India.
>>> The next two panels were pretty much dedicated to community radio
>>> in India. The first panel, chaired by Ashish Sen (VOICES), was a
>>> critical examination of the lack of a suitable legal framework to
>>> define, promote and empower community radio in India. "General"
>>> Narasamma is a local activist from Hyderabad and she presented a
>>> case study started in 1997 which is currently run by 3 Dalit girls
>>> in a small village in central India with two 100-watt FM radio
>>> transmitters that have never been used for fear of government
>>> repression. The project is an active call to reclaim the media to
>>> serve the need of farmers and villagers and 150 hrs of material
>>> have been produced. While the material has never been broadcasted
>>> it is played back every two weeks at Sanghan meetings with the
>>> purpose of raising awareness and debates among the community and
>>> communicate local content of interest to the community. 23,000
>>> people, from 70 communities have signed a petition to the Indian
>>> government to open community radio licences, unfortunately without
>>> much impact.
>>> Rammath Bhat followed with another illustration of a community
>>> multimedia centre, the Namma Dhwani project set in Buditoke, a
>>> small village of 3,000 people in the border of three states in
>>> south-east India. The community is characterized as one of the most
>>> diverse (culturally, linguistically) in the region. The project
>>> began in 1999 and has been supported by Voices and UNESCO and
>>> currently functions as a cable community radio with adjoining
>>> telecentre and linked to a community services centre. The project
>>> carries out activities such as capacity building, training and
>>> provides a space for marginalized people such as scheduled castes
>>> and people with disabilities. Topics include health, governance,
>>> employment, entertainment, education, self-help, legal awareness
>>> etc...
>>> Finally Sejan Venniyoor provided an informative history of the
>>> struggle for legitimizing community radio in India, from the
>>> Supreme Court of India's declaration in 1995 that the airwaves are
>>> public property to a draft community radio policy document
>>> finalized in October 2005.
>>> The final panel of the day was a continuation of the same topic
>>> with more experiences of community radio in India. In a panel
>>> chaired by professor Leela Rao from Bangalore, we heard
>>> presentation by Ganesh Mandekar from Abhivyakti Media, Dr. Vinod
>>> Pavarala from the University of Hyderabad who shared his
>>> ethnographic research on community radio uses and needs in poor
>>> rural Indian villages, particularly with regards to issues of
>>> gender and development; Ratna Mala a student from M.S University,
>>> Tamil Nadu who gave a heartfelt account of grassroots networks in
>>> tamil nadu, and the concept of democratic media when applied to
>>> projects involving Dalits. Finally, Jethro Petitt, from the
>>> Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University, U.K, offered
>>> a series of cases studies of participatory communication, action
>>> research and the role of research in community participation from
>>> cases in Nigeria, Uganda, Ethiopia and Kenya.
>>> Ok, more tommorrow
>>> best wishes
>>> Juan Salazar