All citizens/alternative/community media people in Taipei next week are
cordially invited. Feel free to pass this on.
OURmedia/NUESTROSmedios meeting in Taipei
Co-organized by POTS and OURmedia.
OURmedia/NUESTROSmedios is a global network of activists, academics, and
practitioners working toward stronger alternative, community and citizens'
media. The next conference will be held in Bangalore, Dec. 5-9 2005.
POTS is an alternative cultural newspaper and has been publishing for about
ten years. Pots blog: ,
Time: 7/28 (Thur) 7:00-9:00 pm
Place: Wisteria Tea House; No. 1, 16 Lane, Sin Sheng Nan Rd. 3 Section,
Taipei, Tel (02) 2363723 (go there directly or meet at 6.45 at Howard
International Hotel IAMCR conference site)
fee: free
language: ESL (English as a second language :-) ), maybe Ch<->E
More info & sign-up: