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Alexandra Halkin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Alexandra Halkin <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:10:45 -0500
text/plain (7 kB) , text/enriched (7 kB)
(Please pass on to all lists!!)


Chiapas Media Project (CMP)/Promedios seeks university, cultural and  
community-based sponsors to host screenings on our Fall Tour 2005. The  
tour will feature new videos produced by indigenous video makers from  
the states of Chiapas and Guerrero, Mexico. Dates are scheduled on a  
first come, first-served basis and fill up fast, so please contact us  
as soon as possible.

CMP/Promedios is an award winning, bi-national partnership that  
provides video equipment, computers and training enabling marginalized  
indigenous and campesino communities in Southern Mexico to create their  
own media. CMP/Promedios is currently distributing 22 indigenous  
produced videos worldwide.

CMP/Promedios have presented their videos at numerous universities,  
museums, and film and video festivals around the world. CMP/Promedios  
have done presentations at Georgetown University, Columbia University,  
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Sundance Film Festival, Smithsonian  
National Museum of the American Indian, Museum of Modern Art, NYC,  
Margaret Mead Film and Video Festival and the Intl. Human Rights Film  
Fest in Buenos Aires among others.

Alexandra Halkin, CMP/Promedios Founding Director will present the  
videos. Presentations last between one-and-a-half and two hours,  
include video screenings and a discussion on the role of indigenous  
media and self-representation in the context of the current  
socio-political situations in Mexico and Latin America. A Q & A session  
follows the video screening. Presentations can be done in either  
Spanish or English. Sponsors need to provide a video projector, a VCR  
with audio system and comfortable seating.

CMP/Promedios asks for an honorarium based on the means of the host  
organization to help continue the work of the CMP/Promedios.  Press  
kits are available that include articles on CMP/Promedios, bios, photos  
etc. Please check our web site: www.chiapasmediaproject.org for more  

For further information, please call Alex or Aasia at 773-583-7728 or  
e-mail us at
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"The Chiapas Media Project is remarkable! This project is a rare and  
powerful example of how indigenous people are using the weapons of  
technology and trans-nationalism to make their voices heard and advance  
their struggles. Not only are their videos wonderful teaching  
resources, but their presentations inspire students and faculty alike  
to rethink old ideas about indigenous cultures, and forge new ties of  
Maria Elena Garcia, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence  

“CMP videos inform and inspire--the videos are gems. CMP presentations  
are lively and instructive, going beyond the background we need to  
understand the videos to provide hard-to-get updates on contemporary  
rural Mexico. We hear the wonderful stories behind the videos and learn  
about the process whereby video makers and communities interact to  
shape video story and imagery.”
William H. Fisher, Associate Professor of Anthropology, William and  
Mary College

“The CMP presentation led our students to a place where idealism and  
courage confront injustice. It is evident that the CMP videos and the  
discussions that followed have had a long-term impact; students refer  
to the Zapatistas repeatedly.  In times when young people can be  
overwhelmed with feelings of insignificance, we are grateful for the  
opportunity to challenge the cynical world fostered by commercial  
Janice Windborne, Ph.D. Dept. Media, Journalism & Film, Southwest  
Missouri State University

“The films have a powerful human component that you just can not get  
from secondary sources about the injustices occurring in Chiapas and  
Guerrero. Bringing the event to the Fresno State campus provided a  
setting for exposure and learning that otherwise would not be present.  
Its artistic and informative.”
Maria Sofia Corona-Solyluna, Fresno State M.E.Ch.A/USAS

“CMP documentaries are an essential point of entry into the world of  
indigenous resistance.  CMP videos accomplish their goal of telling the  
story from the perspective of the indigenous by implementing the  
concept of autonomy in their approach to video production. These  
documentaries are an irreplaceable guide for understanding the  
autonomous movement and why it is a workable alternative to corporate  
controlled globalization.”
Glen David Kuecker, Assistant Professor of Latin American History,  
DePauw University
***videos are now available for purchase at  

We are Equal: Zapatista Women Speak
(Spanish and Tzeltal with English subtitles, 18 minutes, 2004)
Zapatista women speak about what their lives were like before the  
uprising in 1994 and how their lives have changed since.  A very  
upfront and critical look at gender relations within the Zapatista  
communities - how far women have come and how far they still need to  

Water and Autonomy
(Spanish and Tzeltal with English subtitles, 14:12 minutes, 2003)
Many of the indigenous communities in Chiapas have no access to potable  
water. Water and Autonomy looks at this serious problem and how the  
Zapatista communities are solving it.  Through solidarity and training  
from internationals many communities are now building their own water  
systems.  Members of the communities speak about ways the water project  
fits into their autonomous process, helps fight sickness, has provided  
a means of reflection for how to protect existing water sources and  
represents another means of resistance to globalization projects like  
the Plan Puebla Panama.

Caracoles: New Paths of Resistance
(Spanish with English subtitles, 42 minutes, 2003)
Produced in August 2003 in the communities of Oventik and Morelia by 18  
Zapatista video makers, Caracoles is a celebration of the death of the  
Aguascalientes and the birth of the Caracoles and the Good Government  
Assemblies.  Various members of the Zapatista leadership discuss how  
these changes will affect internal political and economic processes,  
gender relations, and their relationship to international civil  
society. The video is an open call to join with the Zapatista  
communities in their struggle for recognition of their autonomy and in  
their fight against neo-liberal economic policies and globalization.

Eyes on What’s Inside: The Militarization of Guerrero
(Tlapaneco and Spanish with English subtitles, 2004)
Inez and Valentina, two indigenous women from the montaña region of  
Guerrero were raped by Mexican soldiers. Eyes on What’s Inside looks at  
the economic, social and political factors that lead to these rapes.  
The Organization of Indigenous People Me phaa (OIPM) share their story  
but it is really the story of many indigenous communities in Guerrero.   
Discussed are the destabilizing effects of the military presence on  
indigenous communities, and how the increasing poverty/marginalization  
of the population has contributed to the formation of armed guerilla  
groups and the presence of narcotrafficking. The Mexican Constitution  
lays out the internal role of the military and Guerrero presents a  
clear example of how the military acts outside of it’s constitutional  