{note: deadline is Tuesday, October 3- reply today if interested!}
This notice is being sent to scholars, media activists and policy
advocates who would like to learn more about participatory media as
it is practiced around the world.
AMARC is the World Association of Community Broadcasters, and they
are having their triennial conference this November in Amman, Jordan.
There is a unique, very short notice opportunity for some activists
and scholars to be able to attend this important event.
Community radio is often ignored by governments, and forgotten by
funders in favor of fancier public radio stations. In the US, some
people denigrate community radio as being of marginal importance to
the mainstream American public discourse. Often the positive impacts
of these community stations can be missed, or taken for granted. But
the AMARC gathering is an incredible opportunity to see participatory
community radio in the global context, from brave stations in
conflict zones to stations that serve as the main public forums and
prime information sources of their towns. AMARC can challenge North
Americans to strengthen our stations, and inform activists, scholars
and ultimately policy decisonmakers of the opportunity that community
radio presents for a democracy. Meeting peers who make media in
other countries can help us learn some lessons about democracy that
we can bring back to the United States--our country which sometimes
acts as if we have a trademark on the word "democracy. "
We have just learned, at this late date, that some long sought
funding assistance will be available for some North American
Community Radio organizers, scholars, and media activists to attend
the upcoming AMARC conference in Amman Jordan. In addition to the
group of community radio practitioners who are going, we are
especially seeking people who can help us to study the value of
community media in economic, social, and political terms in the
current debates, and people who hope to help build the movement for a
more free, participatory, less corporate dominated media.
Total costs including airfare, hotel and registration are predicted
to be $2000-2500. Full or partial funding assistance will be
available for several people from North America. If you are
interested and able to attend this important meeting, please contact
Norman Stockwell ([log in to unmask]) or Elizabeth Robinson
([log in to unmask]) for more information and details on the
application process and responsibilities for those receiving funding
assistance. We need to get your application in by Tuesday, October
3rd! crazy! we know!
(If you are able to, please plan on covering at least some portion of
your expenses, using this funding to augment and assist your own
personal fund raising).
p.s. We will probably also take a few days afterwards to build and
train a small radio radio station for a few days afterwards with a
women's organization in another town in Jordan. It will be very
exciting if it works out!
The Road to AMARC 9 World Conference in Amman, Jordan
AMARC 9, the 9th world Conference of AMARC, will take place in Amman,
Jordan from the 11 to the 17 of November 2006
(<http://www.amarc9.amarc.org> ). The Internet Jordanian pioneer and FM
broadcaster Ammannet (<http://ammannet.net>) will host the conference in
partnership with media and journalists groups from Jordan and Palestine.
AMARC 9 will bring together up to 300 or 400 community broadcasters from
more than 110 countries and all regions of the world.
The ninth gathering of community radio broadcasters will take a week and
consist first of all in a World Conference that will allow participants
to analyze and explore the challenges facing community radios. In order
to have an input on the situation of the community radio movements, the
challenges and the ways to increase its efficiency, we have put an on
line form to gather your opinions and feedback Please visit
<http://amarc9.amarc.org> .
In order to increase our participatory approach, the International Board
of Directors has established a Contents & Themes committee to define the
Agenda in consultation with our members, so please send your
suggestions. During the Conference, we encourage regional or sector
assemblies, as of the Women International Network. We also encourage
parallel events such as training for trainers, Internet broadcasting of
the conference proceedings. Please send your suggestions to
*<[log in to unmask]>*
The voting and associate members of AMARC will meet in the 9th AMARC
World General Assembly to receive the reports of the International
Board, to define the Amman Declaration of Community Radio Broadcasters,
to adopt the strategic plan 2006-2010, to elect the new international
Board of Directors and adopt resolutions to tackle the challenges facing
the community radio movement. Please update your membership information
contacting *<[log in to unmask]>* or writing to AMARC International or
to your regional AMARC office. Please visit regularly the AMARC website
for news <www.amarc.org> . This year AMARC Link will be distributed
monthly to encourage participation in AMARC 9.