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"Rodriguez, Clemencia" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Rodriguez, Clemencia
Tue, 23 Sep 2003 10:55:50 -0500
text/plain (116 lines)
English below.

Saludos a tod@s:

En vista de que tenemos much@s nuevos miembros, vuelvo a mandar este
mensaje. Perdon por la redundancia.

Despues de muchas consideraciones, hemos decidido que la IV Conferencia de
OURMedia/NuestrosMedios se realizará en Porto Alegre, Brazil conjuntamente
con la conferencia de la International Association of Mass Communication
Research, IAMCR (también conocida como AIERI). IAMCR es una de las
asociaciones profesionales internacionales de investigación en comunicación
más grandes del mundo. Fundada en 1957, IAMCR incluye 2300 miembros en 70
países. La Division de Comunicación Comunitaria de IAMCR está especialmente
interesada en colaborar con OURMedia en la organziación del evento.

Las fechas para OURMedia IV están aún por decidir, aunque ya tenemos la
siguiente propuesta; por favor comuníquense con Janice o Clemencia con
reacciones sobre las fechas:

        July 22:  filedtrips
        July 23 First Day OURMedia IV
        July 24: Second Day OMIV
        July 25:  fieldtrips 

La conferencia de IAMCR es del 25 al 30 de julio. Esto quiere decir que el
último día de OURMedia IV coincide con el primer dia de IAMCR. Esto nos
permite tener cuatro días de conferencia sin extender mucho la estadía de
quienes quieran participar en los dos eventos. Tambien quiere decir que cada
un@ tendrá que decidir a qué asistir el 25. Esperamos sus reacciones sobre
estas fechas.

Durante nuestra conferencia en Barranquilla este año hubo consenso acerca de
organizar OURMedia IV más en forma de talleres y paneles interactivos que
con el formato académico tradicional. Ahora que comenzamos a diseñar el
programa, vamos a necesitar sus ideas y sugerencias. Por favor piensen qué
quisieran ver como parte del programa, cuál podría ser su contribución al
grupo, y qué tipo de programa fortalecería más su trabajo.

Esperamos sus respuestas, 
Janice Windborne ([log in to unmask]) Y
Clemencia Rodriguez ([log in to unmask]) 



Due to lots of new members I am re-sending this message.  Sorry about the

Greetings All,

The next conference--OURMedia IV--will be in Porto Allegre, Brazil.
After a long consideration of the advantages and disadvantages, we have
decided that it would be smart to partner with IAMCR. The International
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) /
Association Internationale des Etudes et Recherches sur L'Informationet et
la Communication (AIERI) / Ascociacion Internacional des Estudios de
Comunicacion Social (AIICS) is the largest international professional
organisation in the field of communication research. Established in 1957,the
Association now has over 2300 members in some 70 countries.  The Community
Communication Division of IAMCR is especially interesting in collaborating
with OURMedia for these events.

We are discussing the following schedule, and would like to hear from
you if you have any reaction to it.  IAMCR conference will be July 25-30.
OURMedia would be July 22-25 with the following events:
    July 22:  filedtrips
    July 23 First Day OURMedia IV
    July 24: Second Day OURMedia IV
    July 25:  fieldtrips

As you can see, the second day of fieldtrips will coincide with the
first day of the IAMCR conference.  That means participants who want to
attend both conferences will have to make choices about which events to
attend on that one day.

The reason we are suggesting this schedule is because of the time
participants in the two conferences would be away--8 days.  That means
paying for hotels, food, etc. for that many days.  So, the above schedule
allows OURMedia participants who are going only for OURMedia IV to have two
full days of field trips but also allows those who want to attend both to be
gone only a week.  It's a small compromise.

At this point, the location is etched in stone, but the schedule is not.
Please make your comments and complaints as soon as possible--or alternative
schedules if you would like to suggest one--because we have to reserve the

Finally, we have all agreed that the OURMedia IV sessions will be more
interactive with more workshops than the OURMedia III sessions.  Please
think about what would help you and what you have to offer the bigger group
and send your ideas.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Janice Windborne ([log in to unmask])
and Clemencia Rodriguez ([log in to unmask])

a global network of activists, academics, and practitioners
working toward stronger alternative, community, and citizens' media.

Una red global de activistas y academic@s apoyando
los medios alternativos, ciudadanos y comunitarios

Contact: Clemencia Rodriguez
University of Oklahoma
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