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"For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]>
Salvatore Scifo <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:53:43 +0200
multipart/mixed; boundary="------------030908030002040803020701"
Salvatore Scifo <[log in to unmask]>
--- Apologies for cross-posting---

Dear colleagues,

In the months to come, all sections and networks 
of ECREA will engage in variety of high level 
academic activities across Europe. In doing so, 
ECREA's sections and networks are mobilizing a 
range of talents and a lot of creative energy to 
combine into the true driving force of ECREA, and 
to a significant extent, of communication research at large.

To inform the community about this exciting set 
of upcoming events and activities, ECREA will 
resort to a number of channels and tools, 
including its web site and mailing lists, a 
poster and a booklet. But most importantly, ECREA 
relies on the research community to use all their 
channels to circulate the information and inform 
all those who share our interest and enthusiasm.

On the ECREA website, you can find the 
information about these events here: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/seminars

The poster and booklet, that you will find attached to this message, can be also downloaded from here:
- The poster (pdf, 181 kb) where you can see all 
this year's events located on the European map: 
- The booklet (pdf, 279 kb) including full 
details of each event (location, organisation, 
call for papers, dates, deadlines, etc.): 

We hope you will enjoy and contribute to these 
activities because this is really what ECREA is all about.

François Heinderyckx
ECREA President

Nico Carpentier
Section and Network coordinator

Sinikka Torkkola
Workshops 2009 coordinator

ECREA Sections and Networks events 2009

The workshop Narrative Fact and Fiction. Patterns 
of narrative construction in media stories and 
differential effects, to be held at the 
University of Vienna on 4-5 April 2009, is 
organised by the Narrative Network, the 
Department of Communication of the University of 
Vienna and the ECREA Audience and Reception Studies Section.
The deadline for submissions has expired 8 February 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/23

The Second International Workshop on Global 
Internet Governance: An Interdisciplinary 
Research Field in Construction, to be held in 
Brussels on 11 May 2009 is organized by the 
Global Internet Governance Academic Network 
(GigaNet) in cooperation with three thematic 
sections of the European Communication Research 
and Education Association (ECREA): International 
and Intercultural Communication, Communication 
and Democracy, Communication, Law and Policy Sections.
The deadline for submissions is 20 March 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/31

The workshop on Communication and Uncertainty - 
Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to the Study 
of Complexity and Contingency in Communication, 
to be held in Padua, Italy, on 15 May 2009, is 
organised by ECREA Philosophy of Communication 
Section in collaboration with the Department of Sociology, University ofPadua.
The deadline for submissions is 3 April 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/39

The conference panel on Green Lifestyle TV, to be 
held at the University of Brighton on 29-31 May 
2009 is organised by the ECREA Science and 
Environment Communication Section in cooperation 
with the The Big Reveal II: Lifestyle TV conference team.
The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/27

The workshop on Strategic and Organizational 
Communication in firms: Crisis as Opportunity? is 
organised by the ECREA Organisational and 
Strategic Communication Section and will be held 
at the University of Toulouse on 9 June 2009.
The deadline for submissions is 30 March 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/33

The ECREA European Media and Communication 
Doctoral Summer School 2009, to be held at the 
Institute of Journalism and Communication, 
University of Tartu, Estonia, on 2-15 August 2009 
is organised by the ECREA Young Scholars Network 
and supported by Socrates Erasmus IP project 
funding, the European Communication Research and 
Education Association, the Institute of 
Journalism and Communication, University of 
Tartu, and a consortium of 22 partners 
universities. The main objective of the Summer 
School is to provide high-quality feedback on a diversity of PhD projects.
Deadline for submissions: 20 April 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.comsummerschool.org/node/58

The conference Transforming Audiences 2: 
creativity / knowledge / participation to be held 
at the University of Westminster, London, on 3-4 
September 2009, is organised by the Audiences 
Group at the Communications and Media Research 
Institute, and run in association with the ECREA 
Audience and Reception Studies Section, the 
Popular Communication Division of ICA, and the Audience Section of IAMCR.
Deadline for submissions: 22 April 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/38

The conference on Mediated Citizenship: Political 
Information and Participation in Europe to be 
held at the Institute of Communications Studies, 
University of Leeds on 17-18 September 2009 is 
organised by the ECREA Political Communication 
Section and the Institute of Communications Studies, University of Leeds
The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/29

The conference Radio Content in the Digital Age 
to be held at the Cyprus University of Technology 
(CUT) on 14-16 October 2009, is organised by CUT 
and the ECREA Radio Research Section.
The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/34

The 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal 
Communication and Social Interaction to be held 
in Tampere, Finland, on 21-23 October 2009 is 
organised by the ECREA Interpersonal 
Communication and Social Interaction Section.
The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/26

The two-days workshop on Diasporas, Migration and 
Media: Crossing Boundaries, New Directions, to be 
held at Utrecht University on 6-7 November 2009, 
is organised by the ECREA Diaspora, Migration and the Media Section.
The deadline for submissions is 16 June 2009
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/35

The two-days workshop on New Directions for 
Communication Policy Research to be held at the 
University of Zurich’s Institute of Mass 
Communication and Media Research (IPMZ) on 6-7 
November 2009 is jointly organised the 
Communication Law and Policy Section of ECREA and 
and the divisions Media & Politics and Media Change & Innovation of IPMZ.
The deadline for submissions is 1 June 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/36

The international conference Journalism Research 
in the Public Interest, to be held in Zürich and 
Winterthur on 19-21 November 2009, is co-hosted 
by ZHAW Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences 
and the University of Zurich, and a joint effort 
of the ECREA Journalism Studies Section in 
cooperation with the Swiss Association of 
Communication and Media Research (SGKM) and the 
German Communication Association (DGPuK), with 
the support of the Journalism Studies Division, 
International Communication Association (ICA) and 
Journalism Research and Education Section, 
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
The deadline for submissions is 1 April 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/24

The Digital Media Technologies Revisited: 
Theorising social relations, interactions and 
communication. conference, to be held at the 
University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin, Germany on 
20-21 November 2009 is organised by the ECREA 
Digital Culture & Communication (DCC) section, 
University of the Arts (UdK), Germany, University 
of Sussex, UK, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 
Spain, with the support of the DGPuK 
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) section and 
DGPuK Media Sociology (MS) section, Centre for 
Material Digital Culture(DMDC) at the University 
of Sussex, COST 298: Participation in the Broadband Society network.
The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/30

The conference Gender in European academia: 
difference and discrimination in communication 
research, to be held at the Centre for 
Intercultural Studies (CEI), Instituto Superior 
de Contabilidade e Administração, Oporto 
Polytechnic Institute, Portugal, on 25 November 
2009, is organised by the ECREA Women’s Network.
Deadline for submissions to be announced.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/32

The conference on Media, Communication and the 
Spectacle, to be held at the ERMeCC (Erasmus 
Research Centre for Media, Communication and 
Culture), Erasmus University Rotterdam, on 26-27 
November 2009 , is organised by ERMeCC (Erasmus 
Research Centre for Media, Communication and 
Culture) and ECREA’s Gender and Communication, 
Communication and Democracy, and Film Studies 
sections and the Young Scholars' Network.
The deadline for submissions is 1 May 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/41

The conference Towards Post-radio-Stakes in the 
Development of Radio Content and Genres (Vers la 
post radio-Enjeux des mutations des objets et 
formes radiophoniques), to be held at the 
Université Paris 1, Sorbonne Panthéon, on 26-28 
November 2009, is organised by the ECREA Radio 
Research Section and the Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur la Radio(GRER).
The deadline for submissions is 27 April 2009.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/42

The bi-annual conference Landmarks 2 - Memory - 
Perspectives in the Philosophy of Communication 
to be held at the Institute of Germanic and 
Romance Studies, University of London. on 9-11 
December 2009 is organised by the ECREA 
Philosophy of Communication Section and the 
Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London.
Deadline for submissions to be announced.
> Read more about this event: http://www.ecrea.eu/events/about/id/40


Salvatore Scifo

Online and Newsletter Editor, ECREA

European Communication Research and Education Association

Web: http://www.ecrea.eu