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Thu, 23 Sep 2004 20:34:23 +0800
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I just want to inform everyone that the participants in the last OurMedia
conference from Asia have been holding online discussions to explore the
possibility of holding the next OMC in our part of the world.

I myself have been discussing with AMARC to see whether it is possible to
hold the next OMC back to back with the AMARC AP meeting next year.
However, at this point, i still don't have naything concrete to report.
I'll keep everyone posted on this.

Warm regards,


> He leído con atención y detenciones varias,  los comentarios de Alfonso.
> Comparto su realismo y visión estratégica para el  crecimiento para la
> red.
> Mientras esto ocurre o se va macerando en el devenir de los tiempos, no
> nos queda mucho mas que partir de lo concreto, que por otra parte es lo
> único que está sobre la mesa.
> Un cordial saludo a ustedes y el gusto de haber compartido trabajo y
> esperanzas en Porto Alegre.
> Arturo
> Arturo E. Bregaglio
> Director FM TRINIDAD 90.1
> Itapúa y Río Monday
> Asunción - Paraguay
> Tel. (595 - 21) 297 806 / 281950
> Fax. (595 - 21) 297 806
> e: [log in to unmask]
> Web:  <http://www.fmtrinidad.org> www.fmtrinidad.org
> "La comunicación es un derecho humano universal y fundamental.
> La palabra nos aproxima, nos revela, nos desarrolla, nos hace mejores
> hombres y mujeres.
> La comunicación nos humaniza."
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among
> alternative media academics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] En nombre
> de Rodriguez, Clemencia
> Enviado el: Martes, 21 de Septiembre de 2004 07:25 a.m.
> Para: [log in to unmask]
> Asunto: Issues to discuss from Alfonso Gumucio - Cuestiones a discutir
> Muchas gracias Heidi por la traduccion. Clemencia
>   _____
> From: Heidi Figueroa [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Mon 9/20/2004 8:24 PM
> To: Rodriguez, Clemencia
> Subject: Issues to discuss from Alfonso Gumucio - Cuestiones a discutir
> Versión en Español de Heidi del mensaje de Alfonso Gumucio
> Querida Clemencia:
> Gracias por recordarnos que si queremos que Nuestros Medios avance, o al
> menos sobreviva, todos tenemos que participar y contribuir. Has sido el
> principal apoyo de Nuestros Medios durante estos tres años, consiguiendo
> fondos y organizando las primeras tres conferencias, y muchos de
> nosotros hemos descansado en tu carácter provocativo para mantener
> Nuestros Medios caminando. Sin embargo, los miembros destinados al
> Comité Timón, debemos tomar acción, esperamos que en coordinación
> contigo. Pero también espero que una red mayor pueda participar.
> Nuestros Medios no solo trata de asistir a una conferencia una vez al
> año, sino sobre construir redes entre conferencias. Todos estamos muy
> ocupados con nuestro trabajo, pero no creo que nadie esté más ocupado
> que otro para que esto sea una excusa.
> He sugerido que otros miembros del Comité Timón no circulen versiones
> “largas” del mensaje abajo, porque creo que puede ser intimidante para
> mucha gente el comprometerse con una lista de tanto detalle. Pocos
> individuos se aventurarían a responder a tantas preguntas. Y no hay una
> institución anfitriona que esté en la posición de ofrecer tantas cosas
> como: organización, convocatorias, fondos, etc. El mensaje “corto”
> sugiero que pregunte sobre ideas, no compromisos. Luego de este
> intercambio, he perdido el trayecto de si ha habido alguna respuesta,
> temo que no hemos obtenido respuestas y que estamos de vuelta donde
> empezamos. Esto me impulsa a comentar algunas preguntas y sugerencias
> abajo, al menos aquellas que son más pertinentes para el grupo “medular”
> de Nuestros Medios, quienes han acompañado este proceso durante cinco
> años.
> Mientras leía e mensaje detallado abajo, me sentí intimidado. Demasiados
> incisos, algunos de éstos pueden verse luego (agua potable, precauciones
> médicas, opciones vegetarianas, recreación, cambio de moneda, seguridad
> personal, tarjetas de créditos, conectividad a Internet, etc.) ¿Qué
> significa, por ejemplo, “barreras lingüísticas para viajeros
> internacionales”? Si hacemos una conferencia en Nueva York, hay una
> barrera lingüística para los “viajeros internacionales” para personas en
> diversas partes del mundo. El supuesto parece ser: si no hablan ingles,
> estamos en problema. Toda la lista está desde el punto de vista del
> Norte, mirando hacia el Tercer Mundo como un lugar hostil para estar.
> Vamos a ir a lo esencial. ¿Qué realmente necesitamos para tener la
> conferencia? Habiendo viajado extensamente, no puedo pensar de alguna
> ciudad, país o región en el mundo que no tenga facilidades para albergar
> una conferencia de 100 o 200 personas y proveer lo que sea necesario
> (hotel, salas de reuniones, comidas, Internet, equipo, agua salubre,
> etc.). No desalentemos contribuciones con tantas preguntas.
> Los únicos asuntos que debemos considerar ahora son:
> Primero: ¿Quiénes serán nuestros socios en el país donde organicemos la
> conferencia?
> Obviamente necesitamos un buen socio, como el que tuvimos en
> Barranquilla. Una universidad puede ser ideal por varias razones, y
> mejor aun si esta universidad puede formar equipo con una ONG o una red
> grande de activistas en ese país. El criterio para asociación puede,
> desde mi punto de vista, ser la primera consideración para decidir el
> lugar para nuestras conferencias.
> Segundo: ¿Quien puede trabajar para conseguir los fondos necesarios?
> Para las conferencias previas tuvimos un donador principal. Podemos no
> tener este apoyo par alas próximas. Lo ideal sería tener varios
> donadores, que provean para diversas necesidades: principalmente boletos
> de avión. Para el resto, estoy seguro de que podemos conseguir una buena
> asociación con una Universidad en el país, también podemos obtener
> servicios en género o acomodación barata, y otras logísticas.
> Debemos tomar la decisión de celebrar Nuestros Medios 5 el 2006, y cada
> dos años luego de ésta. A menos que pensemos en un periodo de gracias no
> ayude realmente a proveer una mejor organización de cada nueva
> conferencia.
> Hacerla todos los años nos ha forzado a acoplaros a dos conferencias
> mayores: IAMCR y ICA, dos foros bien académicos. Creo que esto no es
> bueno para una red que también tiene activistas. Hemos estado con ICA en
> una ocasión, dos veces  con IAMCR y una con un socio totalmente
> diferente en Barranquilla, Colombia. Desde mi punto de vista ésta fue
> una buena experiencia en términos de inclusión de académicos y
> activistas, y por mucho el único ejemplo de verdadera integración entre
> Nuestros Medios, la universidad anfitriona y la conferencia. No tuvimos
> en Washington, Barcelona o Porto Alegre la integración que tuvimos en
> Barranquilla.
> El argumento de que una conferencia grande (ICA, IAMCR) permite a los
> académicos también asistir a Nuestros Medios, desde mi juicio, no es un
> buen razonamiento. Primero, porque deja a los activistas por su cuenta,
> y segundo, porque si los académicos tienen un verdadero interés en
> Nuestros Medios, pueden luchar por conseguir apoyo de sus departamentos.
> ¿A cuántas conferencias un académico típico del Norte asiste cada día?
> ¿Por qué no puede ser Nuestros Medios una de éstas?
> Yo creo que loa única forma de continuar con el proceso de Nuestros
> Medios es hacer trabajo en equipo. Ya sabemos el costo de las
> conferencias previas. No tenemos que preguntar esto a los recién
> llegados o socios potenciales. Sabemos cómo se desglosa el presupuesto y
> podemos utilizar esa información para establecer que: necesitamos 40,000
> o 60,000 US$ para Nuestros Medios 5, y que así es como desglosamos este
> presupuesto.,..
> Hasta el momento sabemos que la diferencia principal entre un
> presupuesto conservador y uno ideal está determinada en la cantidad de
> personas que son invitadas, naturalmente personas del Tercer Mundo. Los
> boletos de avión son caros y también los hoteles. Sin embargo, hacer
> conferencias en los países del Tercer Mundo compensa el alto costo del
> boleto de avión (desde otras regiones del Tercer Mundo) con los costos
> bajos de hoteles, comidas, transportación, logística, etc. No obstante,
> si lo hacemos en Asia, por ejemplo, tendremos más asiáticos,  y si es en
> África, más africanos. Y si lo hacemos en Nueva York o Londres,
> tendremos más gente de Estados Unidos y Europa.
> Yo ciertamente favorecería un lugar en el Tercer Mundo, Asia en
> particular, como mencioné en Porto Alegre. Necesitamos una red que
> crezca con personas de otras regiones, y si continuamos haciendo
> reuniones en este lado del mundo, solo estamos fortaleciendo un club
> exclusivo. Algunos de nosotros no podremos ir a Asia desde aquí, pero
> por lo menos sabremos que otros grupos interesados de Asia y Africa
> están uniéndose a la red.  Y los académicos no deben tener problema,
> porque han estado asistiendo a conferencias en Kuala Lumpur o Taiwan o
> China sin pestañear.
> No tenemos muchas propuestas sobre la mesa, quizás también porque
> nuestra red aún está restringida a esta parte del mundo. Quizás debemos
> preguntar a nuestro amigo  Myoung Joon Kim, de Corea del Sur, quien
> desafortunadamente no pudo asistir a esta última conferencia, que nos
> envíe ideas sobre la posibilidad (o no) de organizar Nuestros Medios 5
> en Asia.
> Mientras tanto, lo único que tenemos es la propuesta de John Downing. El
> es el único que ha propuesto algo concreto, aunque él no es el único
> académico que pudiera ofrecer opciones. Dije durante mi intervención en
> Porto Alegre, que con todo lo que aprecio a John y soy un amigo cercano
> de él por las últimas tres décadas, pienso que no es buena idea casar a
> Nuestros Medios con una universidad estadounidense y enviar un mensaje
> que puede ser equivocadamente interpretado entre activistas y académicos
> del mundo.
> Es el mismo asunto de la alianza institucional entre Nuestros Medios y
> una universidad. Muy poca respuesta. Nuevamente, solo la oferta de JD.
> Pienso que no tenemos ninguna otra oferta concreta y que no podemos
> continuar esperando por milagros. Debemos tomar la oferta generosa de JD
> si no aparece nada más en los próximos dos meses.
> - ¿Podemos comenzar aceptando la asociación (partnership), por los
> próximos 12 meses y para la organización de Nuestros Medios 5, entre la
> Universidad de JD y Nuestros Medios? ¿Qué pasos vamos a dar para que
> esto pase?
> - ¿Podemos comenzar, basados en la experiencia de las cuatro reuniones
> anteriores, esbozando un desglose detallado de presupuesto? Si todos
> sabemos cómo se ubican los fondos en las reuniones previas, será más
> fácil para nosotros contribuir con nuevas ideas sobre fuentes de
> financiamiento.
> - ¿Podemos inmediatamente comenzar a buscar una universidad y/o un grupo
> activista en Asia o Afraila para hacer equipo con la universidad de JD
> sobre las bases sugeridas arriba y aguantar la decisión sobre lugar y
> fecha de Nuestros Medios 5 hasta que exploremos otras posibilidades?
> Disculpen este largo monólogo, espero que permita una conversación
> verdadera con la participación de muchos colegas de Nuestros Medios. Y
> siento enviarlo solo en inglés, en lugar de español o portugués, pero no
> tengo tiempo de traducir.
> Mejores recuerdos,
> Alfonso
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rodriguez, Clemencia <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 8:28 AM
> Subject: Issues to discuss from Alfonso Gumucio - Cuestiones a discutir
> (Solo en inglés. Alguien podría por favor traducir? En caso afirmativo
> favor comunicarse con Clemencia Rodriguez en [log in to unmask])
> --------------------------------------
> Dear Clemencia,
> Thanks you for reminding us that if we want Our Media to advance, or at
> least survive, we all need to participate and contribute.  You have been
> the main support of Our Media during all these years, getting the funds
> and organising the first three conferences, and many of us rely on your
> proactive character to get Our Media still walking. However, it is not
> the ideal situation to have all the responsibilities on your shoulders.
> I guess we, the members appointed to the Steering Committee, will have
> to take action, hopefully in coordination with you.  But I also hope the
> larger network will participate.  Our Media is not only about attending
> a conference once a year, but about building the network between
> conferences. We are all very busy with our work, but I don’t think
> somebody is busier than others to make an excuse of it.
> I had suggested to the other members of the Steering Committee not to
> circulate the “long” version of the message (below), because I believed
> it could be intimidating for many people to commit with such detail. Few
> individuals would dare to respond to so many questions. And no potential
> host institutions would be in the position of offering just like that so
> much: organising, appointing people, providing funds, etc.  The “short”
> message I suggested only asked about ideas, not commitment. After that
> exchange, I lost track if we got any responses, I fear we didn’t and
> that we are back in square one, which prompts me to comment some of the
> questions and suggestions below, at least those that are mostly
> pertinent for the “core” group of Our Media, who have accompanied the
> process during five years.
> As I read again the detailed message below, I felt myself intimidated.
> Too many items, some of them we could clearly deal with later (potable
> water, medical precautions, vegetarian options, leisure, exchange rates,
> personal security, credit cards, internet connectivity, etc. What means,
> for example,  “linguistic barriers for international travellers”?  If we
> do  a conference in New York, there is a linguistic barrier for
> “international travellers” from many parts of the world. The assumption
> seems to be: if they don’t speak English, we are in trouble.  The whole
> list is drafted with very North-centered eyes, looking at the Third
> World as an hostile place to be.
> Let’s get to the essential. What do we really need to hold a conference?
> Having travelled extensively I cannot think of any city, country, let
> alone any region in the world that doesn’t have the facilities to hold a
> conference for 100 or 200 people and provide whatever is needed (hotel,
> meeting rooms, food, Internet, equipments, safe water, etc). Let’s not
> deter contributions with too many questions.
> The only items that we should be concerned right now are:
> First: Who do we partner with in the country where the conference will
> be held?
> We obviously need a good partnership, like the one we had in
> Barranquilla. A university can be ideal for many reasons, and better if
> that university can team with an NGO or a large activist network in  the
> country. The criteria on partnership should, in my view, be the first
> consideration to choose  the location for our conferences.
> Second: Who can we go after to get the necessary funding?
> For the previous meeting we had a main donor.  We may not have the same
> donor for the next meetings.  The ideal would be to have multiple
> donors, that provide for the various needs: mainly air tickets. For the
> rest,  I’m sure that if we can have a good partnership with a university
> in a country, we can also get in-kind or very cheap accommodation,
> meals, meeting rooms, secretarial support, transportation, and other
> logistics.
> We may have to make the decision of holding Our Media 5 in 2006, and
> every two years after it.  Unless we think the period of grace will not
> really help to better provide for the organisation of each new
> conference.
> Doing it every year has forced us to couple with the two main
> conferences: IAMCR and ICA, two very academic fora. I think this is not
> very good for a network that is also made of activists. We’ve been with
> ICA once, twice with IAMCR and once with a completely different
> partnership in Barranquilla, Colombia, in my view a good experience in
> terms of including academics and activists, and by far the only example
> of true integration between Our Media and the host university and
> conference. We didn’t have in Washington, Barcelona or Porto Alegre the
> integration we had in Barranquilla.
> The argument that the big conferences (ICA, IAMCR) allow the academics
> to also attend Our Media is not, in my judgment, good reasoning. First,
> because it leaves the activists on their own, and second, because if
> academics have a true interest in Our Media, they could fight to get
> support from their departments. How many conferences does a typical
> academic from the North attend every year? Why can’t Our Media be on
> his/her list?
> I believe the only way to continue with the Our Media process is doing
> team work.  We already know the cost of the previous conferences.  No
> need to ask this to newcomers or potential partners. We know the
> breakdown of the budget and we can use that information to establish: we
> need 40,000 or 60,000 US$ for Our Media 5, and this is how we are
> breaking down the budget...
> We know by now that the main difference between a conservative budget
> and an ideal budget is determined by the number of people that will be
> invited, naturally people from Third World countries. Air tickets are
> expensive and also hotels, however, doing conferences in Third World
> countries compensates the high cost of air travel (from the other Third
> World regions) with the low cost of hotels, meals, translations,
> logistics, etc. However, if we do it in Asia, for example we will have
> more Asians, and if in Africa, more Africans.  And if we do it in New
> York or London, we will have more people from North America and Europe.
> I certainly would favour a location in the Third World, Asia in
> particular, as I mentioned in Porto Alegre.  We need the network to grow
> with people from other regions, and if we continue doing the meeting on
> this side of the world, we are only strengthening a exclusive club.
> Most of us may not be able to go to Asia from here, but at least we will
> know that other interesting groups from Asia or Africa are joining the
> network.  And academics should have no problem, since they’ve been
> attending conferences in Kuala Lumpur or Taiwan or China without a
> blink.
> We don’t have many proposals on the table, maybe also because our
> network is still restricted to this part of the world. Maybe we should
> ask our friend Myoung Joon Kim, in South Korea, who unfortunately didn’t
> attend this last conference, to send us his ideas on the possibility (or
> not) of organising Our Media 5 in Asia.
> In the meanwhile, we are left with John Downing’s proposal.  He is the
> only one that came forward with something very concrete, although he is
> not the only one in an academic position that allows to offer options. I
> said during my intervention in Porto Alegre, that as much as I like John
> and I’m a close friend of him for almost three decades now, I thought it
> was not a good idea to marry Our Media with a US University and send a
> message that could be wrongly interpreted among activists and academics
> of the world.
> Same thing with the issue of an institutional alliance between Our Media
> and a university.  Very little response. Again, only JDs offer. I think
> we do not have any other concrete option and we cannot continue waiting
> for miracles to happen. We should take JD’s generous offer if nothing
> else comes in in the next couple of months.
> - Can we start by accepting the partnership, for the next 12 months and
> for the organisation of Our Media 5, between JDs university and Our
> Media network? What steps can we take for this to happen?
> - Can we start, based on the experience of the four previous meetings,
> drafting a realistic and very detailed budget breakdown?  If we all know
> how the funds were allocated in the previous meetings, it will be easier
> for us to contribute with new ideas about funding sources.
> - Can we immediately start looking for a university and/or activist
> group in Asia or Africa to team with  JDs  university on the grounds
> suggested above and hold the decision on the place and date of Our Media
> 5 until we explore other possibilities?
> Sorry for this long monologue,which I hope will lead to a true
> conversation, with participation of many Our Media colleagues. And sorry
> for sending this only in English, instead of Spanish and Portuguese, but
> I have no time to translate.
> Best regards,
> Alfonso
>   _____
> From: "Rodriguez, Clemencia" <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: "Rodriguez, Clemencia" <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 06:37:21 -0500
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Issues to discuss - Cuestiones a discutir
> Portuguese y espannol abajo.
> English:
> Introductory Questions:
> * Where would you like Our Media 5 to take place?
> * When would you like Our Media 5 to take place
> * In connection with what communication event?
> Formal Request for Proposals for Our Media V
> In the spirit of giving everyone an opportunity to participate in
> building the Our Media network and in the hopes of having a smooth
> conference experience, we want to invite proposals from anyone who would
> like to host Our Media V.
> We realize everyone has different abilities and resources.  This request
> is meant to give potential hosts an opportunity to share with us both
> the considerations you have made in wanting to host and the resources
> you can bring to the conference.  The following framework for proposals
> is meant to stimulate a discussion about the pragmatic aspects of
> hosting.  Proposals should try to be as specific as possible about what
> expertise, labor, and resources they can (1.) guarantee, (2.) ask for,
> or (3.) cannot give in the following categories.  From all of the
> proposals, we will be able to perhaps plan not only the next conference,
> but also possibilities for the future. Please be aware that no proposal
> will be excluded on the basis of any one factor; the more information
> you can provide now, the better for future planning.
> Categories to Be in Proposals:
> 1. Rationale: Why do you think you should host OMV?
> Considerations:
> Time and place of OMV
> Who would be the responsible person(s) for organizing the conference?
> How many people in this organization or site would be working on the
> conference and how much time can be dedicated to the preparations before
> the conference (months)?
> Do you have or are part of an existing organization at the site that is
> large enough and willing to do the considerable footwork necessary to
> take care of the details and negotiations before, during and after the
> conference?
> How many other organizations (indigenous and community groups,
> universities and colleges, non-profit institutions) are willing to
> participate in the preparations and execution of the conference? What
> kind of participation would they have?
> What other events might be happening at or near the suggested time and
> place that would stimulate increased attendance and participation in
> OMV?
> 2. Funding: Please provide an estimated conference budget (you may draw
> from previous conference budgets)
> Considerations:
> How much money ($) can the host guarantee from an institution or
> organization?
> What other sources will the host look to or apply to for funds? Please
> give a realistic estimate how much more will be needed and the funding
> cycles.
> Please list any in-kind donations you expect to receive in terms of
> labor or resources.
> Given the above data and your estimated budget, how much would
> participants need to pay to register for the conference?
> Would you need other OM to raise funds to ensure the viability of the
> conference? How much?
> 3. Programming: How will OMV create praxis between theory and the
> practice of alternative media?
> Considerations:
> What will be the lingua(s) franca(s) of the conference? Will you be able
> to provide any simultaneous translation and in what languages?
> Will you be able to offer any direct contact with the surrounding
> community or community organizations?
> Would you be able to provide a space for media creation on site and what
> kinds of technical resources (specifically: broadband access, wireless
> internet, several computers, ability to project video, sound system,
> cameras, many electric outlets, etc.) could you offer?
> What kind of role do you imagine for academic participants (presentation
> of papers, discussion circles, workshops, etc.)?
> What facilities will be offered for the conference in terms of physical
> space?  Can you offer separate spaces for different conference
> activities (registration, paper presentations, workshops, a media lab,
> social areas, small meeting rooms, etc.)?
> 4. Travel and Housing: How might participants attend OMV?
> Considerations:
> How would people from different areas of the world come to your
> location? Is it close to an airport and bus station?  Is there
> transportation from an airport/bus station to the site? If possible,
> please explain in terms of costs relative to other sites that have
> hosted OM conferences.
> What are the visa considerations for international travelers? Please
> estimate time and costs needed to secure visas for participants.
> What kind of hotel or housing accommodations are possible in different
> price ranges? Please specify how much in each price point (US$0 to
> US$10; US$15-30; US$35-50; over $US50 per night).  How many people can
> be accommodated in these places?  If possible, also specify the services
> for different places in terms of food, phone, private bathrooms, hot
> water and security.  Finally, would anyone at the site be willing host
> members for lodging?
> How can participants reserve and pay for housing in advance or on
> arrival?  What currencies or credit cards would be acceptable?  Would
> communication be arranged via the host or directly with the hotel/hostel
> and via what media (phone, Internet, etc.)?
> 5. Meals and Relaxation
> Considerations:
> Will anyone at the site provide breakfast, lunch or snack breaks?  How
> much would this add to your proposed costs or the costs of the
> participants?
> Are there restaurants in the area within walking distance or a bus ride
> away?  Please describe the variety available and average prices.
> Are there vegetarian options at the site or in the area?
> Will potable water be available in the area throughout the day?
> Do you expect to ´plan any entertainment or leisure during the
> conference?
> What kinds of leisure/entertainment options are available for people to
> plan on their own?
> 6.  Participant logistics
> Considerations:
> How will participants pay in order to attend?  How will registration be
> handled?  Can the host handle registration in advance or on-site and
> what forms of payment would be acceptable?
> Given estimated exchange rates, who might be excluded from
> participating?
> How much would participants be expected to pay for on site and what
> would be the acceptable means of payment (cash, credit, currencies)?
> What kinds of transportation are available to participants to travel
> around the site?
> What kinds of linguistic barriers do you foresee for international
> travelers?
> What kind of personal security issues can participants expect?
> What kinds of medical precautions might participants have to take (such
> as vaccines or medicines)?
> Can you provide maps and/or travel guides? In what languages?
> Can you recommend a travel agency who could accommodate foreign
> travelers who do not speak the host country´s language?
> Can you estimate the weather conditions at the location during the
> proposed conference time?
> Anything else attendees should be aware of before coming to the
> conference.
> Please send responses to Janice Windborne at [log in to unmask] or
> [log in to unmask]
> Steering committee 2004
> OURMedia
> ======================================