Me too - would love to be there - but totally bogged down in getting Dublin
Community Television on air on June 1st!
I had hoped at an earlier point to make it there and thanks to those who
tried to arrange it. It is a shame also that we could not organise it for
CRIS people to meet ... but alas ... the best laid plans.
Have a great time everyone and I look forward to hearing afterwards
At 19:15 06/04/2007, DeeDee Halleck wrote:
>I feel so sad not to be there! I heartily endorse all of what Arne has said.
>I sent some flyers with Faye for Waves of Change, the new Deep Dish series
>that hopefully will celebrate and promote the many inspiring projects of
>"Our Media".
>Enjoy Australia and don't forget to wear sun screen!
> > Dear all!
> >
> > As so many others, I'm unfortunately not able to come to Australia for
> > OURMedia6. But, equally as many others on this list and in the wider
> > OURMedia
> > network, I will check the site and the list for updates and I'm hoping for
> > stories and reports from those that will be there. I have only been to one
> > OM
> > conference so far (in Porto Alegre, 2004), but that was a great
> > experience.
> >
> > The OM conferences are crucial (and the programme for this one is
> > fantastic...
> > I shouldn't look at it any longer, it's just too frustrating not to be
> > there :), but OURMedia connections are flourishing beyond those central
> > events.
> > Collaborative research projects by different OURMedia members are taking
> > place
> > (an example: a consortium on civil society media policy, initiated by Gabi
> > Hadl), smaller conferences and workshops are held (an example: "Community
> > Broadcasting Policy in Europe", organised by Kate Coyer, to take place
> > here at
> > the CEU in Budapest in May), OM members are moving to new universities and
> > starting new research projects and/or teaching programmes in community or
> > alternative media, and they are meeting alongside other conferences (such
> > as
> > IAMCR in Paris in July), advocacy coalitions are forming (such as, for
> > example,
> > the Community Media Forum Europe)....
> >
> > It would be great to further develop such connections, make them visible
> > (on
> > the website or elsewhere), and keep track of what is happening inbetween
> > conferences. If from the "OURfuture" discussions there emerges an interest
> > to
> > work more on this, I'd be happy to contribute in whatever way.
> >
> > Now, a happy OURMedia6 everyone! And don't forget us poor people elsewhere
> > on
> > the planet :)
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Arne Hintz
> >
> > (currently Center for Media and Communication Studies, Central European
> > University, Budapest; usually Research Centre Media and Politics,
> > University of
> > Hamburg)
> >
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