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This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:18:20 +1000
Frederick Noronha <[log in to unmask]>
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Frederick Noronha <[log in to unmask]>
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* * * * *

Lawrence Lessig
Code Version 2.0
ISBN-13: 978-0-465-03914-2
ISBN-10: 0-465-03914-6
Basic Books, New York 2006 Pp 410
A primer of 'running code' for digital civilization. -- Stewart Brand

[This book is devoted "To Wikipedia, the one surprise that
teaches more than everything here."]

Since its original publication 1999, this foundational book
has become a classic in its field. This second edition, Code
Version 2.0, updates the work and was prepared in part
through a wiki, a web site allowing readers to edit the text,
making this the first reader-revision of a popular book.

Code counters the common belief that cyberspace cannot be
controlled or censored. To the contrary, under the influence
of commerce, cyberspace is becoming a highly regulable world
where behaviour will be much more tightly controlled than in
real space.

We can -- we must -- choose what kind of cyberspace we want
and what freedoms it will guarantee. These choices are all
about architecture: what kind of code will govern cyberspace,
and who will control it.

In this realm, code is th emost significant form of law an
dit is up to lawyers, policymakers, an despecially average
citizens to decide what values that code embodies.

Lawrence Lessig is the C Wendell and Edith M Carlsmith
Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and founder of the
school's Centre for the Internet and Society. After clerking
for Judge Richard Posner on the Seventh Circuit Court of
Appeals and for Justice Antonin Scalia on the US Supreme
Court, he taught at The University of Chicago, Yale Law
Schol, and Harvard Law School before moving to Stanford. His
other books are Free Culture and The Future of Ideas. In 2002
he was named one of Scientific American's Top 50 Visionaries.
He lives in San Francisco, California. www.lessig.org

* Preface to the Second Edition
* Preface to the First Edition

Chapter 1: Code is Law
Chapter 2: Four Puzzles from Cyberspace


Chapter 3: Is-Ism: Is the Way It is the Way it Must be?
Chapter 4: Architectures of Control
Chapter 5: Regulating Code


Chapter 6: Cyberspaces
Chapter 7: What Things Regulate
Chapter 8: The Limits in Open Code


Chapter 9: Translation
Chapter 10: Intellectual Property
Chapter 11: Privacy
Chapter 12: Free Speech
Chapter 13: Interlude


Chapter 14: Sovereignty
Chapter 15: Competition Among Sovereigns
Chapter 16: The Problems We Face
Chapter 17: Responses
Chapter 18: What Declan Doesn't Get

Appendix, notes and index.

* * * * *

Collaborative Ownership and the Digital Commons
Rishab Aiyer Ghosh (Ed)
2005, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ISBN 0-262-07260-2 (hc.: alk.paper)

Open source software is considered by many to be a novelty
and the open source movement a revolution. Yet, the
collaborative creation of knowledge gone on for as long as
humans have been able to communicate.

CODE looks at the collaborative model of creativity -- with
examples ranging from collective ownership in indigenous
societies to free software, academic science, and the human
genome project -- and finds it an alternative to proprietary
frameworks for creativity based on strong intellectual
property rights.

The contributors to CODE, from such diverse fields as
economics, anthropology, law, and software development,
examine collaborative creativity from a variety of
perspectives, looking at new an dold forms of creative
collaboration and the mechanisms emerging to study them.

Discussing the philosophically resonant issues of ownership,
property, and the commons, they ask if the increasing
application of the language of property rights to knowledge
and creativity contributes a second enclosure movement - or
if the worldwide acclaim for free software signifies a
renaissance of the commons.

Two concluding chapters offer concrete possibilities for both
alternatives, with one proposing the establishment of
"positive intellectual rights" to information and another
issuing a warning against threats to networked knowledge
posed by globalisation.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh is Programme Leader at the International
Institute of Infonomics at Maastricht Universty. He was one
of the founders and is the current managing editor of 'First
Monday', the peer-reviewed internet journal.


* Philippe Aigrain
* Yochai Benkler
* Boatema Boaten
* David Bollier
* James Boyle
* John Clippinger
* Paul A David
* Rishab Aiyer Ghosh
* Cori Hayden
* Tim Hubbard
* Christopher Keity
* James Leach
* James Love
* fred Myers
* Anthony Seeger
* Richard Stallman
* Marilyn Strathern


1. Why collaboration is important (again)
   Rishab Aiyre Ghosh

I. Creativity and Domains of Collaboration

2. Imagined collectivities and multiple authorship
   Marilyn Srathern

3. Modes of crativity and the register of ownership
   James Leach

4. Some properties of culture and persons
   Fred Myers

5. Square pegs in round holes? Cultural production,
   intellectual property frameworks, and discourses of
   Boatema Boateng

6. Who got left out of the property grab again: oral
   traditions, indigenous rights, and valauble old
   Anthony Seeger

7. From keeping 'nature's secrets' to the
   institutionalization of 'open science'
   Paul A David

II Mechanics for Collaboration

8. Benefit-sharing: experiments in governance
   Cori Hayden

9. Trust among the alorithms: ownership, identity
   and the collaborative stewardshpi of information
   Christophre Kelty

10 Cooking-pot markets and balanced value flows
   Rishab Aiyer Ghosh

11 Coase's penguin, or Linux, and the nature of the
   Yochai Benkler

12 Paying for public goods
   James Love and Time Hubbard

III Ownership, Property, and the Commons

13 Fencing off ideas: enclosure and the disappearance of
   the public domain
   James Boyle

14 A renaissance of the commons: how the new sciences
   and internet are framing a new global identity and
   John Clippinger and David Bollier

15 Positive intellectual rights and information exchanges
   Philippe Aigrain

16 Copyright and globalisation in the age of computer
   Richard Stallman

* * * * *

Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective
Manuel Castells, Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol, Jack Linchuan Qui, and Araba Sey
The MIT Press, 2007
ISBN 0-262-03355-0 (alk.paper)
Pp 331

"Wireless networks are the fastest growing communications
technology in history. Are mobile phones expressions of
identity, fashionable gadgets, tools for life -- or all of
the above? 'Mobile Communications and Society' looks at how
the possibility of multimodal communications from anywhere to
anywhere at any time affects everyday life at home, at work,
and at school, and raises broader concerns about politics and
culture both global and local.

Drawing on data gathered from around the world, the authors
explore who has access to wireless technology, and why, and
analyze the patterns of social differential seen in unequal
access. They explore the social effects of wireless
communication -- what it means for family life, for example,
when everyone is constantly in touch, or for the idea of an
office when workers can work anywhere. Is the technological
ability to multitask further compressing time in our already
hurried existence?

The authors consider the rise of a mobile youth culture based
on peer-to-peer networks, with its own language of testing,
and its own values. They examine the phenomenon of flash
mobs, and the possible political implications. And they look
at the relationship between communication and development and
the possibility that "developing countries" could "leapfrog"
directly to wireless and satellite technologies. This
sweeping book -- moving easily in its analysis from the
United States to China, from Europe to Latin America and
Africa -- answers the key questions about our transformation
into a mobile network society."

* Opening: Our Networks, Our Lives
* The Diffusion of Wireless Communications in the World
* The Social Differentiation of Wireless Communication Users:
Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status
* Communication and Mobility in Everyday Life
* The Mobile Youth Culture
* The Space of Flows, Timeless Time, and Mobile Networks
* The Language of Wireless Communication
* The Mobile Civil Society: Social Movements, Political
Power, and Communication Networks
* Wireless Communication and Global Development: New Issues,
New Strategies
* Conclusion: The Mobile Network Society

Other books in The Information Revolution & Global Politics
series www.mitpress.mit.edu/IRGP-series

The Information Revolution and 'Developing Countries'
Ernest Wilson, 2004

Human Rights in the Global Information Society
edited by Rikke Frank Jorgensen, 2006

Price not mentioned. At Gleebooks in .Au AUD$ 56.95

* * * * *

Thanks to Al Alegre FMA/Philippines for making the books accessible. --FN

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
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