The Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition seeks book reviewers for
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Fall, 2008). Reviewers will receive a personal copy of
the review book. The journal website is
Please send your inquiry to the Editor at: [log in to unmask]
1. Niels Lehmann, Lars Qvortrup and Bo Kampmann Walther (Eds.). (2007). The
Concept of the Network Society: Post-Ontological Reflections.
Samfundslitteratur Press: Nordicom.
2. Semati, Mehdi (Ed). (2008). Media, culture and society in Iran: Living
with globalization and the Islamic state. New York: Routledge.
3. Wolfe, W. M. (2008). Winning the war of words: Selling the war on terror
from Afghanistan to Iraq. London: Praeger.
4. Howley, K. (2005). Community media: People, places, and communication
technologies. Cambridge University.
5. Carlsson, U., Tayie, S., Jacquinot-Delaunay, G., & Tornero, J. M. P.
(Eds.). (2008). Empowerment through media education: An intercultural
dialogue. Nordicom.
6. van den Brink, B.,& Owen, D. (2007). Recognition and power: Axel Honneth
and the tradition of critical social theory. Cambridge University.
7. Lowe, G. F., & Bardoel, J. (Eds.). (2007). From public service
broadcasting to public service media. Nordicom.
8. Larkin, B. (2008). Signal and noise: Media, infrastructure, and urban
culture in Nigeria. London: Duke University