Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World
Call for Papers
The Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW), based in the Lebanese American University, is soliciting articles for the forthcoming issue of the quarterly publication Al-Raida. The central topic for this edition of the journal will be Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Women in the Arab World.
We are interested in receiving papers based on academic studies or critical essays that address concerns related to ICTs and women in the Arab World. Within this issue, we will focus on understanding the gender-specific experiences of women in the Arab world with regards to ICTs such as the internet and cell phones. The papers to be considered will explore womanhood and social, cultural or religious identity within the context of access to, use of, and representation through ICTs. Topics can include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Gendered demographics and practices of ICT use among Arab populations
* Arab women and the formation of information communication technologies, strategies and policies
* Impact of ICT use on Arab family and social hierarchies
* Expressions of gender, identity, and experience through ICTs
* ICTs and migration from, to, and within Arab countries, with particular regard to gender
* Potential for issue-based organization and economic participation by Arab women via ICTs
* ICTs and women¹s health communication, development, or peacebuilding in the Arab world
If you are interested in contributing to this issue of Al-Raida, kindly send your abstract (250-300 words) no later than August 30, 2008. All abstracts submitted are reviewed by Al-Raida's editorial staff and are subject to its approval. Once the abstract is approved contributors will have to submit their paper no later than November 15, 2008.
This journal edition will be edited by Ms. Kristin Shamas, doctoral candidate in communication. Kindly send your emails simultaneously to the managing editor, Ms. Myriam Sfeir, at [log in to unmask] and to the guest editor, Ms. Kristin Shamas, at [log in to unmask]