For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists.


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"For communication among alternative media producers, academics, artists, and activists." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 20 Jan 2012 10:15:13 +0900
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Annual Conference of the
International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
Durban, South Africa,
July 15-19, 2012
Community Communication Section
The IAMCR Community Communication Section invites submissions of abstracts
for papers and panel proposals for the 2012 IAMCR conference to be held from
July 15-19, 2012 at the Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu
Natal (UKZN) in Durban, South Africa.

The deadline for submissions is February 14, 2012.

The next IAMCR conference will be held under the general theme, 'South-North

The Community Communication (ComCom) Section has been a prominent space in
IAMCR for debates on this theme. Bringing together research on community,
alternative, citizens' and civil society media studies, the Section deals
with a range of non-governmental and non-commercial communication practices
such as do-it-yourself media, media for and by communities of locality or
interest, communication practices of social movements, and media that form a
non-profit 'third sector' next to public service and commercial media. Such
communication practices may use a variety of communication technologies,
from print newsletters to mobile phones, from community radio to
cutting-edge online communication. Typical theoretical approaches come from
social movement research, community theory, communication rights, theories
of political art, of civil society, citizenship and democracy, and theories
from migration studies, among others.

Relevant questions include: How do marginalized groups develop, adapt and
appropriate communication technologies? What makes community and alternative
media effective and sustainable? What are examples of notably innovative
forms of media activism? How do social movements communicate? What is the
social, economic, legal and political environment for community and
alternative media? What are appropriate theories and research methods for
these media? What is their role in the overall mediascape? How can
alternative and community media help address the worldıs most pressing
problems, from war to ecocide?

ComCom 2012 focus areas

We will consider proposals on any issue within the ComCom research area, but
will prioritize proposals for the following focus areas:

1. South-North Conversations

How do community, alternative, citizens' and civil society-based
communication practices challenge one-way top-down communication models? How
effective are they in facilitating South-North as well as bottom-to-top
conversations? What are the power dynamics and information imbalances within
such communities? What has existing research said about empowerment,
participation, locality and development in community and alternative media,
and how should such concepts be reviewed and re-thought? Papers or panels
should provide new perspectives, discuss new concepts and approaches,
analyze existing research or offer innovative proposals on how to assess and
evaluate these practices.

2. Community Communication and Climate Change

With the prospects for political action to stem climate change ever more
dire, we need to investigate the interactions between community
communication and the already unfolding ecological catastrophe. How can
alternative media and civil society-based communication practices help us to
mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects? What are some examples of
alternative/community communication practices that have had positive
psychological, political, cultural or social movement outcomes in relation
to climate change? How may they exacerbate the problems? Does the phenomenon
of climate change denial challenge some of the fieldıs assumptions? Is
transformation of the mediascape a necessary part of a solution? What has
our field, including previous work on environmental movement media and
alternative media at summits, contributed to the climate change debate, and
what efforts do we need to make?

The climate summit in Durban just months before IAMCR, and IAMCRıs aim to
become more environmentally sustainable set the stage for this theme.

3. Community Communication and Social Media

At a time of great enthusiasm about social networking and its role in
democratization and political change, we call for a critical review of
social media from the standpoint of alternative and community communication
practices. How can micro-blogging, social networks, video platforms etc.
complement traditional alternative media? How are they used by social
movements? What does it mean if Œsocialı media are commercial? What are the
problems, e.g. regarding privacy and surveillance? Which alternatives to
commercial social networking platforms exist or are being developed?
Theoretically grounded studies of recent events such as the Arab Spring and
Occupy are particularly welcome, as are historical precedents.

4. Theory for Community and Alternative Media

The ComCom Section seeks to advance theoretical and conceptual development.
This includes investigating, continuing and challenging the theoretical
directions laid out by key thinkers in the field; and developing
understandings of relevant emerging concepts. We are interested in
contributions that revisit key ideas, questions and approaches of this
research area and update them in light of technological as well as social
change. What are the relations, connects and disconnects between established
theory on 'alternative' and 'community' media and the current discourse on
'social' media? Is there (should there be?) something like a Œcanonı? What
are the differences and communalities between Community Communication and
the neighboring field of Participatory Communication?

5. Community Communication Policy

Many countries have recently legalized community broadcasting. We call for
critical investigations into these processes, the impact of civil society
interventions, positive examples of new legislation around the globe,
reviews of the emergence of international/regional norms and standards, but
also critiques of the normalization and mainstreaming of community media. At
the same time, alternative media continue to be subject to repression, and
non-profit online media are threatened both at the level of infrastructure
(e.g., through challenges to net neutrality) and of content (e.g., through
filtering). We encourage investigations into these issues, and relations
between community communication and other policy fields, such as Internet
governance and
intellectual property rights.


Format: All proposals must include:
1. Title, author/coordinator name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and full
contact information (mailing address, email address, and telephone number).
2. Topic area (one of the five above focus topics or Œotherı within ComCom).
3. Type of proposal:

(Type A) Individual or co-authored paper: Applicants must submit a 300-500
word abstract. The abstract should describe
-       the main question or research problem
-      its significance
-      the theoretical framework
-       what is known from existing research
-       the research method, and
-       expected outcomes
For project presentations (without a theoretical background) we encourage
applicants to choose a format under TYPE C.

(TYPE B) Panel proposal: The panel coordinator must submit a well-defined
statement of purpose (150-300 words), a complete list of panel participants,
and full abstracts (as above) for each presentation in one document.

(TYPE C) Other session/presentation formats: We encourage proposals for
innovative formats such as workshops, video screenings, performances,
webcasts or field trips. The coordinator must submit a well-defined 300-500
word statement of purpose and a detailed description of activities, as well
as any infrastructure requirements (space, projectors, etc.). We cannot
guarantee, at this moment, that all these formats will be feasible in
Durban, but we commit to supporting proponents in making them possible.
If your submission lacks any of the information above, it may be rejected.

For all applicants: Please indicate if you would be willing to chair a
Mode of submission: Online at http://www.iamcr-ocs.org
Number of submissions: Only one abstract submission as author or co-author
of a paper (regardless of whether it will be part of a panel or in an open
session) will be considered for review in the ComCom Section. However, you
are still welcome to additionally act as coordinator/moderator for a panel
(and as such submit the panel proposal), or to submit and participate in a
TYPE C proposal.
Submitting the same or very similar abstract to more than one section or
working group risks being removed from the conference program. Across all
conference sections, there can be a maximum of three abstracts bearing the
name of the same applicant either individually or as part of any group of
Submitting to the Right Section: If you submit your proposal to the wrong
section, it may be rejected. Please consider carefully if the Community
Communication Section is most appropriate for your proposal (check the list
of sections at http://iamcr.org/s-wg/all). Please contact us well before the
deadline if you are unsure.
* Researchers examining community media for development purposes should
consider applying to the Participatory Communication Research Section.
* Researchers studying ethnic community media within a Diaspora framework
should consider applying to the Diaspora and Media Working Group.
* Researchers using a market-based perspective are not encouraged to apply
to this section. 
Languages: IAMCR accepts submissions in its official languages of English,
Spanish, and French, though an English translation (even a brief summary) of
your abstract will be much appreciated. For conference presentations, we
encourage presenters who wish to talk in a language other than English to
prepare slides or print-outs in English to facilitate understanding,
interaction and debate.
The section has no funds to hire translators. We are looking for volunteer
translators/interpreters for abstracts, sessions and papers. If you can
contribute in this way, please contact us.

Submission: February 14, 2012. This deadline will not be extended. The OCS
system at http://iamcr-ocs.org <http://iamcr-ocs.org/> will open on December
1, 2011, and will close on February 14, 2012.

Decisions on acceptance of abstracts will be communicated to applicants by
March 12, 2012. On the same day, March 12, 2012, conference registration
will open for bookings by participants.

For those whose abstracts are accepted, full conference papers are to be
submitted via the IAMCR OCS by June 10, 2011.


IAMCR institutional website: www.iamcr.org/iamcr2012cfp

Durban 2012 Conference website: http://www.iamcr2012.ukzn.ac.za/

ComCom Website: http://www.iamcr.org/content/blogcategory/51/201/

For further information, please contact the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
or consult the Conference Organizers via the website at 
http://www.iamcr2012.ukzn.ac.za/ or by email at [log in to unmask]

Further information about the Section:
Gabriele Hadl (chair) k70[at]mac.com
Ellie Rennie  (vice-chair) ERennie[at]GROUPWISE.SWIN.EDU.AU
Arne Hintz  (vice-chair) arne.hintz[at]mcgill.ca