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This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 May 2007 08:25:27 -0700
Dorothy Kidd <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dorothy Kidd <[log in to unmask]>
To: Elvira Truglia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
thanks, as always, for presenting such a sensible do-able proposal which
should allow OUr Media to make a better decision this time, and perhaps
model a procedure for the future.


Dorothy Kidd.
Dept. of Media Studies,
University of San Francisco.
2130 Fulton St.
San Francisco, California  94117-1080.
[log in to unmask]

----- Original Message -----
From: Elvira Truglia <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:59 am
Subject: next conference
To: [log in to unmask]

> BlankHi all,
> Thanks for pointing out the visa issues Kristin, there are also
> many other issues to consider: potential for funding; the ability
> to put together a strong and committed local committee where the
> work load is shared fairly among all committee members (this is
> sometimes difficult when people are in various different cities or
> towns); the ability to draw support from partners -- community
> media and other organizations and institutions; the ability to
> create a conference that moves beyond what has already been done in
> terms of programming (i.e.. ensuring a stronger balance between
> academic and practitioner participation, as well as considering the
> nature of participation -- panels, roundtables, events, etc.);
> location - i.e.. the ability to extend and build a stronger network
> within regions not well represented in the past (e.g.. Africa), and
> more.
> I do acknowledge that it would be great to hold the next conference
> in Ghana as there have already been conferences in North America,
> Europe, Latin America, Asia and now Oceania but not yet Africa.
> However, as described above, I think there are many other things to
> consider as well.
> Since there are three proposals that have been suggested, it would
> seem fair to weigh each of the proposals on the basis of all the
> issues to be considered. Unless of course, there is widespread
> agreement that the most important criteria is location (i.e.. all
> things being equal, where the conference will be held is the
> biggest priority).
> It is also true that there have been discussions in the past about
> holding regional events in addition to the global conference. If
> the goal of the network is to build stronger community, alternative
> and citizen's media around the world -- it seems like a good idea
> to hold regional events perhaps on specific community media issues
> or themes. Yet it sounds like the Budapest and Athens proposals are
> conceived to be global not regional events (perhaps those who
> proposed these other locations could elaborate more).
> Also, I would hesitate to plan two global conferences (Ghana 2008
> and Budapest 2009) as it seems to me that this would disperse
> efforts -- as the dates are so close together this would mean that
> effectively two global conferences would be planned concurrently.
> We could say Budapest would be in 2010 but predeterming things has
> not been the nature of this network so far -- i.e.. each conference
> has tended to build on the connections, alliances and things
> learned from the previous.
> If each of the proposers are passionate about holding the next
> global OM conference --- why not ask each set of proposers to draft
> say a written three-page proposal on the basis of the
> considerations mentioned above (and/or other criteria proposed by
> others) -- and the network could then can have a comparative
> discussion?
> Elvira