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Sender: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 08:32:28 -0800
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From: Sasha Costanza-Chock <[log in to unmask]>
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Comments: To: Tracey Naughton <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (97 lines)
Dear Tracey,

It would be amazing if we could digitize that material and get it online
to share with the world. This could also free your cupboard :)

While those with internet access, especially broadband, have been able
to share video files via the net for years, this year (2005/2006) has
seen a number of important developments in the ease of use of video
online. Just a few of these:

Space for people to host activist videos, for free, forever, has been
provided by archive.org. Several groups are partnering with archive:

Indymedia Video Distribution Network: http://video.indymedia.org
OurMedia: http://www.ourmedia.org

There are also some projects for systematic peer to peer sharing of
activist video. P2P can enable people with spotty, low-bandwidth
connections to obtain video material, because it chops up the file into
many little peices and downloads slowly in the background while you do
other things online. It requires a little bit of training and then,
getting in the habit of starting it up when you access the net.

For example see http://indytorrents.org/

Other free and open source tools that emerged in the last year that help
with independent video distribution:

DTV: http://participatoryculture.org/
FIreAnt: http://fireant.tv/

In addition, there are now more 'user rated' video content sites:
VideoBomb: http://www.videobomb.org

A final interesting example is Al Gore's Current TV, which is a
satellite station that takes about 30% of its content directly from user

What doesn't seem to exist yet (someone tell me if I'm wrong) is an
activist-oriented project that combines the ease of use of VideoBomb,
with the historical and activist focus of archive.org, together with a
coherent understanding that not everyone has access to broadband and so
tries to organize submission/distribution at the local level via low
power TV and community screenings, etc.

All the elements are pretty much ready, though.


Tracey Naughton wrote:
> Adilson and all
> What an interesting reunion. I was also at the Videazimut meeting in
> Sao Paolo along with many other names that still pop up in media
> activist circles. These include Dirk Konig, sadly no longer with us.
> FYI I also have a large collection of VHS material that was sent in
> for the selection process for the last Videazimut meeting, the final
> one in South Africa. It is a great record of alternate and struggle
> video.
> It will remain around as long as I have cupboard space for it.
> regards
> Tracey
> Tracey Naughton
> Communication for Development Consultant
> 201 Somerset Hall
> 239 Oxford Road
> Illovo     2196
> Johannesburg
> South Africa
> landline & fax:    +27 (0) 11 880 5030
> cell / mobile:    +27 (0) 82 821 1771
> skype:       tracey_naughton
> email:        [log in to unmask]