Queridos todos
Con todo respeto, pienso que el email de Amalia era mas bien un llamado
para comenzar a organizar paneles, foros o exhibiciones sobre medios y
comunicacion indigena para NMV el proximo año. Existen decenas de
libros ahi afuera sobre el tema de los medios y la comunicacion
indigena, y ciertamente Donald Browne y Lorna Roth son importantes
autores entre muchos otros que han contribuido en este campo, tanto en
teoria como en la practica. Asumo que no toda la red estara interesada
en discutir abiertamente el tema a traves de la lista, por lo que creo
que esta no es la mejor instancia para promover libros, sino que para
empezar a planear que se puede-deber hacer para el proximo año y
quienes quieren participàr en la organizacion. Y quizas mas importante,
de que manera podemos integrar mas eficazmente a lideres y
comunicadores indigenas en la red NM.
Dear all
With all your respect, I thought Amalia´s email was a call to begin
organizing panels-forum or screenings on indigenous
media-communications for OMV next year. There are dozens of books out
there on indigenous media, and certainly Donald Browne and Lorna Roth
are among many who have contributed significantly to the field in
theory and practice. I assume not all the network is interested in
discussing this issue through the list, so I don´t think this is the
best instance for promoting books, but one to plan what can-should we
be doing next year, and who wants to work on it... Most importantly,
how can we integrate more efficiently into OM the participation of
indigenous leaders and communicators.
regards - saludos
Juan Salazar
On Saturday, November 20, 2004, at 06:18 AM, Amalia Cordova wrote:
> Dear Our Media,
> Thanks for your many responses, and for your reaffirmed interest in
> indigenous media and indigenous participation at OM. I hope it
> translates into collaboration with indigenous communicators and an
> in-depth discussion at the next OM ( thank you Manish!), as well as
> online. My disposition is open to continuing this discussion and
> contribute contacts to indigenous media organizations.
> Many thanks,
> Amalia
> Queridos Nuestros Medios,
> Muchas gracias por sus múltiples respuestas, y por su firme interés
> en los medios indígenas y en la participación indígena en OM. Espero
> que se traduzca en colaboración con comunicadores indígenas y en una
> buena discusión en el próximo OM seguinte ( gracias Manish!), asi como
> en linea. Sigue mi disposicón de continuar la discusión y de aportar
> con contactos con organizaciones de medios indígenas.
> Muchos saludos, muchas gracias,
> Amalia
> Caros Nossos Meios,
> Agradecimentos para suas muitas respostas, e para seu interesse forte
> em meios indígenos e a participação indígena em OM. Eu espero que
> traduza na colaboração com os comunicadores indígenas e uma discussão
> boa no OM seguinte ( obrigado Manish!), assim como em linha. Minha
> disposição e aberta a continuar esta discussão e contribuir contatos
> às organizações indígenas dos meios.
> Muitos agradecimentos,
> Amalia
> Amalia Córdova
> Latin American Programs Coordinator
> Film & Video Center
> Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
> One Bowling Green
> New York, N.Y., 10004
> Tel: (212) 514-3735
> Fax: (212) 514-3725
> www.nativenetworks.si.edu
> www.redesindigenas.si.edu
>>>> Of course, there's also Valerie Alia's work on indigenous media in
>>>> Canada (First Nations) and amongst arctic peoples. She has 2 books
>>>> out on the topic, I believe, both should be available through
>>>> amazon.com. -- Mitzi Waltz, University of Sunderland
>>>> Donald Browne <[log in to unmask]> - 11/19/04 12:14 PM >>>
> Dear Our Media colleagues: I'm happy to see the subject of indigenous
> media being so vigorously discussed by many of you, and have attempted
> to contribute to the discussion by writing about the subject, most
> recently in a book which is to be published next month (December).
> While it isn't only about indigenous experiences, they account for a
> considerable portion of the book, which covers activity in many parts
> of the world. Here are the details:
> Donald R. Browne, Ethnic Minorities, Electronic Media and the Public
> Sphere. Cresskill, New Jersey (US): Hampton Press.
> I don't know the price, but it's coming out in paperback, so it
> shouldn't be too costly!
> P.S. -- I did write a book focussing on indigenous experiences with
> the electronic media: Electronic Media and Indigenous Peoples: A
> Voice of Our Own? Ames, Iowa (US): Iowa State University Press (now
> Blackwell), 1996. It's out of print, but used copies appear now and
> again. Check Amazon, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and other such websites
> to see what they list.
> At 5:13 PM +1100 11/19/04, Juan Salazar wrote:
>> Hola Amalia, red Nuestros Medios. Gracias por tu mensaje y volver a
>> poner el tema de los medios indigenas en la discusion. Yo no creo que
>> haya problemas en la red de NM para aceptar y apoyar la comunicacion
>> indigena. Yo sigo manteniendo mi disposicion manifestada en Porto
>> alegre a coordinar o facilitar esta area con quien quiera participar.
>> Creo que parte por nosotros trabajando en esta area de organizar algo
>> en concreto para el proximo año y tu ya has dado el primer paso.
>> Ademas
>> ya tenemos la respuesta positiva de Manish Kumar en India.
>> Hi Amalia, our media network. Thanks for your message and for putting
>> back in the OM agenda the issue of indigenous media. I don´t think
>> there would be a problem within the OU network to support indigenous
>> communications in the future. As I said in Porto Alegre I´m still
>> willing to volunteer to facilitate this area within the next
>> conference
>> together with whoever wants to take part. I think it starts with us,
>> working in this area, to organize something concrete for next year and
>> you have taken the first step. Moreover, we already have a positive
>> response from Manish Kumar in India.
> Yes I also agree. Am glad to know that Manish has had something
> working in Uttaranchal, I too have an interest in that part of the
> world.
> I am copying this to the new list which is opening up to discuss OMV
> (nothing much has happened so far, but some of you may want to be
> there right now, if you aren't already).
> --
> Vickram
> Dear Amalia,
> It's nice to see someone finally voicing the importance of indigenous
> communication and communicators.
> I agree with your idea that it would add value to OM conference if we
> also
> include indigenous communicators in our deliberations at the larger
> scale.
> This is what many would call 'mainstreaming indigenous communicators'.
> There may be certain issues before bringing them on OM platform.
> However, I
> do not think it would be such a issue which would totally deny their
> participation at any level in OM conference.
> In India we have such communication processes going on for years. I
> have
> been exposed to such people and processes in the states of Uttaranchal,
> Bihar and UP during my work and study.
> It may be a good idea to start with OM V and invite indigenous
> communicators
> on board. I am sure my Indian friends would help in working out a
> strategy.
> Best regards,
> Manish Kumar