We had discussed how it would be nice to know how other Heartland states
handle their shortage of manpower while trying to keep genetic clinics
available and assessable to all community members. Thanks, Jayne
Byerly, Kyna A. (HSC) wrote:
> Hello All-
> We would like your input on possible topics for round table discussions at the upcoming annual conference. These will be held over a long lunch break, and are designed to be small, more intimate discussions over topics not covered in work groups or plenary session, or those that lend themselves to further discussion. Some planned and/or suggested topics are listed below. Please comment, and make suggestions for additional topics you would be interested in.
> Topics:
> Long term follow up - newborn screening
> Nursing Genetics Education Collaboration: Iowa Program, Other
> Family Health History
> Genetic counseling licensure
> Telegenetics
> Billing and reimbursement-for clinical services
> Birth defects registries
> Teratogen Information Services
> Usher syndrome screening proposal
> Public Health Genetics (Sarah lawrence program, other)
> Increasing the work force: Medical student education
> Funding Program compnents
> The roundtables will have a facilitator to lead the discussion, so please also suggest possible facilitators. These are informal discussions with no formal presentation
> Thanks for your input!
> Kyna Byerly, MS, CGC
> Assistant Program Manager
> Heartland Regional Genetics and Newborn Screening Collaborative
> [log in to unmask]
> (573)449-1660
*Jayne Brown, LSW*
Human Service Information Coordinator
Division of Medical Genetics
UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences Room 5910
501 N. Columbia Road Stop 9037
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9037
(701) 777-4276
"Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
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