Obviously Unrehearsed Improv Announcement List


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Ben Ferrone <[log in to unmask]>
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Ben Ferrone <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Oct 2012 18:51:48 -0500
text/plain (14 lines)
This is a notice to inform Audience that they have been invited to one (1) free (free being defined as costing exactly zero (0) United States Dollars) show performed by O.U. Improv. Audience may, at their leisure, collect this benefit by attending the show in the Scholar's Room of the Oklahoma Memorial Union at exactly 8:00 PM until approximately 10:00 PM on Saturday, October 6th, 2012. Additionally, O.U. Improv hereby does swear in all good faith to *guarantee* laughter on Audience's behalf. This offer is only valid to members of the Audience who are capable of laughter. Those not capable of laughter are contractually obligated by attendance to pretend they find the show funny. 

(*Money-back guarantee: O.U. Improv (O.U.I!) swear we will return all zero United States Dollars ($0) of Audience's entry fee upon completion of the show if Audience did not experience at least a 75% increase of laughter above and beyond Audience's typical Average Laughter Rate (ALR). Must provide proof of typical ALR, notarized, and in triplicate. Must sign waiver allowing measurement of Nominal and Real Laughter Rates (NLR and RLR) during the show. Must not sue O.U.I! for any reason up to and including failure to honor this guarantee.)

Our shows are always intended for all ages, but please remember that unscripted comedy may not always be suitable for all audiences.

This is a disclaimer: the preceding notice was drafted by O.U. Improv's newly hired legal branch and as such may or may not reflect the views of the troupe. If you would like a hard copy of this notice for your records, please file an Information Notice Form of Request for Records of Noted Information, form 12.b, goldenrod.

For more information about the troupe, show times, booking information, and to watch videos of our performances, please go to our website: www.ouimprov.com. You can also sign up for regular E-Mail updates regarding upcoming shows and workshops. If you have questions or need to make arrangements due to disability, please email [log in to unmask]


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