To: Students, Faculty, Friends and Family, Corporate Associates, Spirits of Dead Relatives, Mirror Universe Clones, and Others,
After more than two months away from campus, O.U. Improv is set to return to OU this Saturday, the 11th! Witness the glorious Return of the Improv Troupe, and reconnect with all your favorite players. If you've not connected with them at one of our previous shows, then prepare to fall in love for the very first time as our heroic adventuring party of OU students and ragtag misfits makes the epic journey towards Mt. Hilarious! Our first on-campus show of the semester is a perfect opportunity to share O.U. Improv with your friends, family, and vague acquaintances.
Unfortunately, the Return of the Improv Troupe is opposed by the Evil Overlords of the Oklahoma Memorial Union (who are "innocently" "renovating" the upper floors), so instead of our usual room, we'll be DOWNSTAIRS in the Will Rogers Room (across from the food court). The show starts at 8:00 p.m. and seating will start around 7:45. Our show is completely free, but donations are always accepted.
So if you're looking for something to warm you up from this sudden cold turn in the weather, what better way than with laughter? If you're looking for a way to spend a couple of hours with that special someone just a few days before Valentine's Day, but you don't want to have to speak to or look at them, what better way than attending an improv show? Share your Saturday night with the rugged band of performers in O.U. Improv!
Our shows are always intended for all ages, but please remember that unscripted comedy may not always be suitable for all audiences.
For more information about the troupe, show times, booking information, and to watch videos of our performances, please go to our website: You can also sign up for regular E-Mail updates regarding upcoming shows and workshops. If you have questions or need to make arrangements due to disability, please email [log in to unmask]
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