Might be too late but I think getting it mentioned in the A&GS and CoE
weekly newsletter email things would be worthwhile in the future. Much
more targeted than just an OU mass mail.
On 12/12/2012 16:13 , Peter Laws wrote:
> http://w5nor.org/license/index.html
> There is a link to the registration form, too. Registration isn't
> mandatory, but we will need the info for the test paperwork.
> I'll get a building-wide mail sent out shortly and will publicize via
> SCARS and to other clubs via CORA. Will also include the city EM
> (where we got a bunch of students last year).
> I don't think an OU mass mail will be needed. It certainly wasn't
> last year.
> 73,
> Peter
> O*ARC Treasurer