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Peter Laws <[log in to unmask]>
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OU Amateur Radio Club <[log in to unmask]>, Peter Laws <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Apr 2013 14:58:16 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
Are you recently licensed?  Are you looking for an entry-level HF rig? 
Licensed a while, but a struggling grad student? :)

I have an Icom IC-725 HF transceiver that is surplus to my needs.

Actually, it belongs to my wife, KB5TFX, who used it as V31FX when she did 
her field research "a number of years ago" and it was she who suggested I 
get it out of the house.

Comes with the stock hand mic, power cable, and has the UI-7 unit in it to 
give it FM (in the 10m General band) and AM capability.  You'd need an 
antenna, feedline, and a power supply capable of 20A @ 13.8V dc

Universal has the specs: http://www.universal-radio.com/catalog/hamhf/725.html

It's got a few thousand QSOs on it but should have several thousand more 
still in it.  :-)

Drop by (NWC3445) or send me mail.

Peter Laws / N5UWY
National Weather Center / Network Operations Center
University of Oklahoma Information Technology
[log in to unmask]
College of Architecture, Regional and City Planning, MRCP '16
Feedback? Contact my director, Matt Younkins, [log in to unmask] Thank you!