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Myriam Horngren <[log in to unmask]>
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Myriam Horngren <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:33:02 +0100
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June, 16-17, 2005
Incommunicado Working Conference
-- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Full Calendar on: http://www.crisinfo.org/content/view/full/575


IFEX Launches Handbook on Free Expression Campaigning
Toronto - The International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX) 22 April 2005 launches a new publication aimed at equipping human rights activists around the world with essential tools to campaign more effectively for freedom of expression and press freedom.

IFEX lanza manual de organización de campañas para la libertad de expresión
Toronto - El Intercambio Internacional por la Libertad de Expresión (IFEX) lanza hoy una nueva publicación que busca dotar a los activistas de derechos humanos en todo el mundo de herramientas esenciales para organizar más eficazmente campañas a favor de la libertad de expresión y la libertad de prensa.

New Project to Stop "Policy Laundering"
Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Privacy International, in concert with its partners the American Civil Liberties Union and Statewatch, today announced the formation of a new international "Policy Laundering Project".
This international project will monitor and influence the increasingly common formation of civil liberties-sensitive security policies through international organizations.

Europe: Watchdogs call for access to information treaty
Sixteen free expression watchdogs, including ARTICLE 19, are calling on the Council of Europe to draft a binding treaty on access to information, saying such a move would strengthen human rights in the region.

Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Comunicado de prensa
Informe Anual: Relatoría llama la atención sobre aumento de la violencia contra comunicadores durante el 2004
Washington, D. C., 19 de abril de 2005. En su evaluación sobre la situación de la libertad de expresión durante 2004, la Relatoría Especial para la Libertad de Expresión de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) llamó la atención sobre un incremento de los actos de violencia contra los comunicadores sociales en el hemisferio.

Inter - American Commission on Human Rights
Annual Report: Office of the Special Rapporteur calls attention to the increase of violence against media workers in 2004
Press Release
In its evaluation of the situation of freedom of expression in 2004, the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) called attention to the increase in the acts of violence against media workers in the Region.

New media activist website and newsletter
CIMA: Center for International Media Action is excited to announce a new community website for activists and educators concerned with media justice, media reform and communication rights.

Free Software Foundation-Europe statement WIPO meetings
Software is the medium that defines and structures the digital domain. Cultural techniques, such as agriculture, reading and writing have been essential to evolutionary steps of humankind. Software is the digital cultural technique upon which the information age will rest. Access to software determines who may participate in a digital society.

How Intellectual Property Rights Can Obstruct Progress
Published on the Global development Gateway and originating from Sci-Dev the article argues that as developing countries strive to develop and benefit from new technologies, intellectual property rights are proving costly.


Internet Governance Debate Moving to Next Stage
Heinrich-Boll Foundation
20 April 2005
The WSIS Working Group on Internet Governance has had its third meeting on the last three days in Geneva. The discussion is now moving from mapping the internet governance landscape of institutions and stakeholders towards assessments and recommendations. Monday's session was conducted as an open consultation, yesterday and today the group was meeting in private. Expectedly, a few conflicts surfaced again, which mainly circled around the role of different stakeholders, the question of a new organisational framework, and the Multilateralization of the core Internet resources. But progress can be observed.

WSIS Working Group on Internet Governance: update
On 18th April, the WGIG (Working GRoup on Internet Governance) met for Open Consultations. Access to real time captionning is now available online on: http://www.wgig.org/April-scriptmorning.html for the morning session and on http://www.wgig.org/April-scriptafternoon.html for the afternoon session.

Human Rights and rule of law in the Information Society
Council of Europe
The Committee of Ministers adopted the terms of reference of the CAHSI as part of the Council of Europe's new project "Good Governance in the Information Society", launched in 2005.



The Church Development Service (EED), Germany, has generously granted funds for the facilitation of participants to CRIS related activities. The CRIS campaign is glad to inform you that it will be able to co-sponsor some delegates to events that we feel are key to the Communication Rights.


La Iglesia Servicio al Desarrollo (en inglés "Church Development Service", cuyas siglas son EED), de Alemania, ha donado generosamente fondos para facilitar la participación a actividades relacionadas con CRIS. La Campaña de CRIS tiene el agrado de informarles que estará en condiciones de patrocinar a algunos delegados para participar en eventos que supongan ser claves para los Derechos a la Comunicación.


Nuestra visión de la Sociedad de la Información se fundamenta en el Derecho a Comunicar como un medio de acrecentar los derechos humanos y fortalecer la vida social, económica y cultural de las personas y las comunidades. Para lograrlo, resulta fundamental que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil se unan para cooperar en la construcción de una sociedad de la información basada en principios de transparencia, diversidad, participación, justicia social y económica, e inspiradas por la equidad de género y las perspectivas culturales y regionales. Lo invitamos a conocer más sobre la Campaña de CRIS y a participar firmando la Carta de CRIS:


Notre vision de la «société de l'information» est basée sur le droit de communiquer qui est considéré comme un moyen pour étendre les droits de l'homme et améliorer la vie sociale, économique et culturelle des personnes et des communautés. Pour cela, il est essentiel que les organisations de la société civile se réunissent afin d'aider à la construction d'une société de l'information basée sur les principes de transparence, de diversité, de participation et de justice économique et sociale et inspirée par une approche équitable du rapport des sexes, de la culture et des aspects régionaux.


Our vision of the 'Information Society' is grounded in the Right to Communicate, as a means to enhance human rights and to strengthen the social, economic and cultural lives of people and communities. Crucial to this is that civil society organisations come together to help build an information society based on principles of transparency, diversity, participation and social and economic justice, and inspired by equitable gender, cultural and regional perspectives.