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Janis Cramer <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Janis Cramer <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:23:43 -0700
text/plain (1076 bytes) , Aug_26_Web.doc (40 kB)
Dear OWP Teacher Consultants,

I'm attaching the program for the drive-in conference
this Saturday.  All 12 of this summer's new fellows
will be presenting on the same day, so we need a large
audience to come and see their new demonstrations.

The conference will be held at the Moore
Administration Building this year.

So far, 26 teachers have registered with me.  Even if
you are presenting, I need to hear from you; you need
to register with me.  If you are one of this summer's
coaches, we need for you to be there to help with
follow-up evaluations, so please register with me.
For the rest of you who don't have to come, who
haven't decided if you WANT to come, I  urge you to
read the program!  You'll find workshops for every
grade level and every subject area.  Please come
(there is no charge for OWP TCs) and bring others from
your school.

I need to know by Thursday so I'll have a headcount.
Just reply to this e-mail or click here to register:
[log in to unmask]

Information about time, place, registration is all on
the attached flier.
Let me know if you have questions.

Thank you!
