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Myriam Horngren <[log in to unmask]>
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Myriam Horngren <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:22:30 +0100
text/plain (71 lines)

Gender and ICT Issues at Women's World Congress
By Mavic Cabrera-Balleza
Gender and ICT advocates from all world regions joined some 2,000 other women activists at the Women's Worlds Congress 2005, -the 9TH International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women-, held at Ewha University in Seoul, Korea, June 19-24.


WGIG Internet Governance report released
The United Nations Secretary-General today transmitted the Report of the Working Group on Internet Governance to the President of the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit on the Information Society, Ambassador Janis Karklins, and the WSIS Secretary-General, Mr Yoshio Utsumi

UK Civil Society Consultation Communiqué
The UK Civl Society Communiqué to the Foreign Commonwealth Office (in charge of UK and EU representation at the WSIS) is now online.

WSIS follow-up: Role of civil society contested, activists locked out of next meetings
Discussions on how to proceed after the second WSIS summit in November are getting more urgent. There is a danger of this question to be lost due to the dominance of financing and internet governance negotiations in the second phase of WSIS. A recent meeting of the "Group of the Friends of the Chair" (GFC) in Geneva tried to bring some clarity, but a consensus is still far away. Meanwhile, civil society groups are lamenting the fact that they will be locked out of the next GFC meetings.


Mon clavier est rebelle (REMIX)
Les activistes internautes s'expriment déjà sur la deuxième phase du SMSI et laissent le clavier prendre le control et se rebeller. Une animation frappante sur fond de musique iranienne autour du thème du SMSI en Tunisie... ça change des communiqués officiels.

International Free Speech Groups Urge Tunisia to End Internet Censorship
Tunisia Monitoring Group
July 14, 2005
International free expression groups today launched a new website detailing the state of free expression in Tunisia and challenged the government to end Internet blocking in the lead-up to the November 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).


Eurozone: Take action on TV without Frontiers
As part of the UK Presidency Tessa Jowell will chair the EU culture ministers. The main issue on the agenda is to complete the revision of the EC's most important legislation on broadcasting -- the Television Without Frontiers Directive -- by December. This directive helps legitimise public service broadcasting provision; allows member states to determine their own broadcasting policies; protects cultural diversity, eg through quotas for original indigenous production; and helps keep broadcasting out of free trade agreements such as GATS (the WTO services agreement).

Request for support for reform at WIPO
Below is a statement published by IP Justice for publication at next week's WIPO Development Agenda Meeting. Civil society groups are invited to sign-on to the statement to show support for reform at WIPO, and specifically, support for the Friends of Development proposal.

La Carta de CRIS
Nuestra visión de la Sociedad de la Información se fundamenta en el Derecho a Comunicar como un medio de acrecentar los derechos humanos y fortalecer la vida social, económica y cultural de las personas y las comunidades. Para lograrlo, resulta fundamental que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil se unan para cooperar en la construcción de una sociedad de la información basada en principios de transparencia, diversidad, participación, justicia social y económica, e inspiradas por la equidad de género y la perspectivas culturales y regionales.

La Charte de CRIS
Notre vision de la «société de l'information» est basée sur le droit de communiquer qui est considéré comme un moyen pour étendre les droits de l'homme et améliorer la vie sociale, économique et culturelle des personnes et des communautés. Pour cela, il est essentiel que les organisations de la société civile se réunissent afin d'aider à la construction d'une société de l'information basée sur les principes de transparence, de diversité, de participation et de justice économique et sociale et inspirée par une approche équitable du rapport des sexes, de la culture et des aspects régionaux.

The CRIS Charter
Our vision of the 'Information Society' is grounded in the Right to Communicate, as a means to enhance human rights and to strengthen the social, economic and cultural lives of people and communities. Crucial to this is that civil society organisations come together to help build an information society based on principles of transparency, diversity, participation and social and economic justice, and inspired by equitable gender, cultural and regional perspectives.

Myriam Horngren
WACC/CRIS Network and Advocacy Coordinator
357 Kennington Lane
London SE11 5QY
United Kingdom
Direct line: 44 (0) 207 587 3018
Fax: 44 (0) 207 735 0340
web: www.crisinfo.org/www.wacc.org.uk
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