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"Rodriguez, Clemencia" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Rodriguez, Clemencia
Tue, 4 Nov 2003 09:56:43 -0600
text/plain (122 lines)
English below.

Español, resúmen: EED, una ONG religiosa alemana, ha donado fondos a la
campaña CRIS con el fin de apoyar a miembros de CRIS en eventos globales y
regionales. En este momento CRIS está buscando tres candidat@s para asistir
a la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Informacion en Ginebra, Suiza, del
7 al 14 de diciembre del 2003 <http://www.itu.int/wsis>.  CRIS estará muy
involucrado en este evento y en especial en el Foro Mundial por los Derechos
de la Comunicación <http://www.communicationrights.org>.  L@s becad@s
deberán apoyar a CRIS en los eventos del Foro y de la Cumbre.

L@s interesad@s deben mandar sus aplicaciones para estos fondos a más tardar
el 14 de noviembre a [log in to unmask] La aplicación debe incluir lo
siguiente: 1) participación del/a candidat@ en CRIS; 2) relevancia para CRIS
de la presencia del candidat@ en el evento; 3) justificación de la necesidad
de apoyo financiero (las becas son especialmente para países/organizaciones
que de otra manera no podrían asistir); 4) presupuesto. Las becas no cubren
todos los gastos del viaje; el máximo es 1418 Euros.


Feel free to distribute and translate. Also available on

Terms of Reference: CRIS/EED South Participation fund

EED (The Church Development Service, Germany) has generously granted
funds for the facilitation of participants to CRIS related activities.
The CRIS campaign is glad to inform you that it will be able to partly
sponsor active CRIS members and supporters to events that we feel are
key to the campaign for Communication Rights in the Information Society.

1. support available is primarily for participation in CRIS campaign
meetings, including working groups, the coordinating committee and
regional events
2. the event which the beneficiary attends should be an important one
the development of CRIS, and the beneficiaries presence should
to this
3. beneficiaries should be from countries/organisations who could not
afford to take part in CRIS meetings if such assistance was not
4. beneficiaries should be (or become) active members of one or more
CRIS working groups and should bring relevant expertise to the meeting

Overall requirement:
Please provide a short statement showing how your application fits
within the above criteria together with a budget estimate. The panel is
particularly interested in any information related to past activities
within the CRIS campaign. Additionally, specific activities and
requirements will be asked of the grantee, based on the specifics of the
event (please see below).

The applications will be sent to a grant allocation panel constituted of
3 CRIS participants. The decision will be made by the panel and the
candidates will be advised of the allocation in due course. All grants
will be allocated only on the basis of receipts sent to the
administrator of the grant. CRIS is currently looking to support 3
individuals to attend the following event. Please note that CRIS will
only cover part of the costs, up to Euro1418 per participant. The rest
of the costs will have to be covered by other sources.

The World Summit on the Information Society: 7th to 14th December 2003

The World Summit on the Information Society will be held in Geneva from
10th to 12th December 2003. The CRIS campaign will be heavily involved
in Summit activities as well as in parallel events, in particular as the
coordinator of the World Forum on Communication Rights, to take place on
11th December 2003.

Activities:The delegates will be asked to actively support the
activities of CRIS during the Summit, especially in getting involved in
the logistic preparations for the Forum as well as in taking part and in
helping coordinate other CRIS related meetings (4 have been planned so

Specific requirements: 
Only individuals with previous involvement in the CRIS campaign will be
considered this time.

All information related to the Summit is available on:

All information related to the World Forum on Communication Rights is
available on:
www.communicationrights.org <http://www.communicationrights.org> 

Deadline: 14th November 2003

All applications should be sent to [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> as soon as possible and at the latest by the
above deadline. The application statement should highlight how the
applicant fulfils the overall criteria and the requirements for
activities and the specific requirements. Applications that do not
clearly cover the stated criteria will not be considered. Decision on
allocation of the grants will be done by 21st November.

Myriam Horngren
CRIS Advocacy and Network Coordinator
c/o WACC
357 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY
Web: http://www.crisinfo.org
Tel: 44 (0) 20 7582 9139 ext 226

a global network of activists, academics, and practitioners
working toward stronger alternative, community, and citizens' media.
Una red global de activistas y academic@s apoyando
los medios alternativos, ciudadanos y comunitarios
Contact: Clemencia Rodriguez
University of Oklahoma
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