OSCER users,
Our apologies, we need to take a sudden scheduled outage
on Schooner TOMORROW (Tue Nov 22) 8:00am-midnight.
Most likely, the outage will actually be 9:00-11:00am, but
we're booking the full day, just in case.
This will be to replace a network card in the home2 server,
which provides roughly half our users' /home directories.
We need to schedule the outage for tomorrow because of
Thanksgiving Break:
We want to get this hardware replacement completed before
the break, and we need a business day (Wed Nov 23) to
make sure that it's stable, before everyone goes home to
be with their families, friends, etc for the holiday.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Henry Neeman ([log in to unmask])
Director, OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER)
Associate Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
OU Information Technology
The University of Oklahoma
Engineering Lab 212, 200 Felgar St, Norman OK 73019
405-325-5386 (office), 405-325-5486 (fax), 405-245-3823 (cell),
[log in to unmask] (to e-mail me a text message)