Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant
The Minorities and Communication (MAC) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is accepting applications for the inaugural Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant. The grant honors the tireless work of Dr. Paula M. Poindexter, former MAC division head and former AEJMC president. Dr. Poindexter’s commitment to the division, AEJMC and the academy are invaluable.
* Separate applications have been made for the faculty and student-only applications.
* To be considered for the student grant application, investigators must be current students as of June 1, 2018. Student research applications with faculty members will not be disqualified.
* All applicants must be current MAC members as of June 1, 2018. You can check your membership status by contacting AEJMC Membership Director Pamella Price at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
* Research must be related to racial minorities in the United States and communication. The term “racial/ethnic minorities” has been defined to include Latina/os, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Therefore, proposals examining how these groups present images, news and/or other information about themselves, as well as those examining how issues and/or perspectives related to race/ethnicity and diversity are featured in mainstream or other specialized media, would generally fall into this division’s area of interest. Our division also welcomes proposals for research on teaching or pedagogy related to minorities in communication. Grant proposals employing any scholarly method of inquiry are invited.
* There is no limit on the number of investigators per proposal, but each investigator cannot submit more than one proposal.
* Current members of the Minorities and Communication executive board for 2017-2018 are not eligible to apply for this grant.
This year's faculty grant includes $500 in research support. The student grant includes $250 in research support. The research grant may be used to cover some or all of the cost of such scholarly expenses as archives, travel, costs for surveys and transcriptions, traveling to an archive, or paying for an online survey service or to photocopy documents.
Applications must be submitted through the form below before 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Friday, June 1, 2018. Late applications will not be accepted. All applications will be blind reviewed.
Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
1. Research relevance to the MAC Division
2. Theoretical or conceptual insight
3. Appropriateness of methodological approach
4. Overall impression and research impact
The results will be announced at the Minorities and Communication business meeting at the AEJMC annual convention in Washington, D.C. One student and one faculty submission will be awarded funding.
Grant recipients must provide a report on how they used grant funds by July 1, 2019.
Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
1. Research relevance to the MAC Division
2. Theoretical or conceptual insight
3. Appropriateness of methodological approach
4. Overall impression and research impact
The results will be announced at the Minorities and Communication business meeting at the AEJMC annual convention in Washington, D.C. One student and one faculty submission will be awarded funding.
Grant recipients must provide a report on how they used grant funds by July 1, 2019.
The committee reserves to right to not award a grant winner in any given year.
Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant Donations:
Please consider making a donation to the Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant. You may use the regular donations portal on the AEJMC website: https://aejmc2.wufoo.com/forms/aejmc-contributions/<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faejmc2.wufoo.com%2Fforms%2Faejmc-contributions%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cmia_moody%40baylor.edu%7C732cfac938144abdef1108d5998dc6bd%7C22d2fb35256a459bbcf4dc23d42dc0a4%7C1&sdata=0ole1NYHQ95bg9k6TzpzslczPCfxN2JrQ1YKtSFrTKc%3D&reserved=0>
For questions, please contact Dr. Danielle Kilgo at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or MAC Head Dr. Mia Moody-Ramirez at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or visit: http://www.mediadiversityforum.lsu.edu/MAC/research-grant.html.
Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant Application (Student Grant Application)<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmYHZmQVGBUPYU1nHKR4LhdR__MGx0rUcRDEPl9Vq0suPRJg/viewform>
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EDT Friday, June 1, 2018 The Minorities and Communication (MAC) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is accepting applications for the inaugural Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant. The student research grant may be used to support a current MAC student member and their research related to racial minorities in the United States and communication. All investigators must be current students. The term “racial/ethnic minorities” has been defined to include Latina/os, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Therefore, proposals examining how these groups present images, news and/or other information about themselves, as well as those examining how issues and/or perspectives related to race/ethnicity and diversity are featured in mainstream or other specialized media, would generally fall into this division’s area of interest. Our division also welcomes proposals for research on teaching or pedagogy related to minorities in co
Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant Application (Faculty Grant Application)<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL0oTRdI_z2QMAKYoTambTuzCcaAMhaae76duQxrPmxhxGiA/viewform>
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EDT Friday, June 1, 2018 The Minorities and Communication (MAC) Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is accepting applications for the inaugural Dr. Paula M. Poindexter Research Grant. The faculty research grant may be used to support a current MAC member’s research related to racial minorities in the United States and communication. The term “racial/ethnic minorities” has been defined to include Latina/os, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. Therefore, proposals examining how these groups present images, news and/or other information about themselves, as well as those examining how issues and/or perspectives related to race/ethnicity and diversity are featured in mainstream or other specialized media, would generally fall into this division’s area of interest. Our division also welcomes proposals for research on teaching or pedagogy related to minorities in communication. Grant proposals employing any scholarly metho
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.
AEJMC MAC Division Head
Baylor University
American Studies Program Director
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director
Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media
2016-17 ATL Baylor University Fellow
One Bear Place #97353
Waco, Texas 76798-7353
Telephone 254-710-7247
Website:<http://www.miamoody.net/> <http://www.miamoody.net/> <http://www.miamoody.net/> http://www.miamoody.net<http://www.miamoody.net/>
<http://www.amazon.com/The-Obamas-Mass-Media-Religion/dp/1137404922>Obamas and the Mass Media<http://www.amazon.com/The-Obamas-Mass-Media-Religion/dp/1137404922>
<http://www.amazon.com/Black-Mainstream-Framing-Racial-Profiling/dp/0761840362>Black & Mainstream Press' Coverage of Sept. 11<http://www.amazon.com/Black-Mainstream-Framing-Racial-Profiling/dp/0761840362>