Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group


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Julie Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Dec 2006 13:26:41 -0600
It says maximum project period "3 months".  Is this supposed to be 3 years?

Julie Miller, Program Manager
Newborn Screening/Genetics
Nebr. Health & Human Services,
Dept. of Regulation & Licensure
P.O. Box 95007
Lincoln, NE  68509-5007
402 471-6733   FAX: 402 471-1863
[log in to unmask]
"There are no such things as incurables, there are only things for which
man has found no cure", Bernard Baruch

             "Hallford, Gene                                               
             <Gene-Hallford@OU                                          To 
             HSC.EDU>                  [log in to unmask]          
             Sent by:                                                   cc 
             Communication for                                             
             the Heartland                                         Subject 
             Regional Genetics         Small Program RFA (Round 3)         
             Group                     Heartland Genetics and Newborn      
             <HEARTLAND@SPEEDY         Screening Collaborative             
             12/04/2006 01:10                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             Communication for                                             
               the Heartland                                               
             Regional Genetics                                             


Please find attached the latest RFA from the Heartland Regional Genetics
and Newborn Screening Collaborative. For those of you who might be
interested in submitting for this program, the Letter of Intent is due on
December 15th. This letter can be a simple email sent to me (
[log in to unmask]) indicating who the PI and state collaborators are
and a short description (one or two sentences) describing what you intend
to do, so that we can identify potential project reviewers.

If you have any questions about the letter of intent or the grant
application, please contact either Lori Williamson (
[log in to unmask]) or me.

Thank you for your time;

Gene Hallford, M.A., A.B.D.
Research Associate
940 NE 13th Street, Room 2B2425
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
405-271-8001 Ext. 42281
405-271-8697 fax
[log in to unmask]

 (See attached file: Year 3 Program Guidelines and Application Forms.doc)