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OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
Jerrod Howard <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 15:52:11 -0500
To: "L-Soft list server at SPEEDY. OUHSC. EDU (1.8d) (E-mail)" <[log in to unmask]>
OMRF's Information Support Group <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
We are looking for a program to control and log access to specific programs
on a windows 2000 computer (for example, o control access to a specifc
executable or program while also logging the date used and the duration of
time used on that date). The problem we're having is as people come in to
use our imaging equipment, we need to track the person who used it as well
as the duration of time they used it for. I would like to be able to pull up
an audit or access log at the end of the month and looks at usage times per
user for billing purposes.

Preferrably, I would like it to be a MMC plug-in, but am not averse to a
third part program with built-in user access rules (like username and
password access). Have any of you used any program of this nature? We also
run a Windows 2000 and 2003 server, but unfortunately the program cannot be
run over the network, it has to be run locally. I have found a few programs
out in the wild that I google and such, and will try them out on my beta
machine, but I would prefer to use something that someone has experience
with and that works as advertised. If any of you have experience with this
or have suggestions, I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

Jerrod Howard
OMRF Imaging Facility, MC109.5
825 NE 13th
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
[log in to unmask]
phone: 405-271-8001, ext 34634
fax: 405-271-1474