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Eric Webb <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Eric Webb <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 14:18:11 -0500
text/plain (59 lines)
Dear OU Improvisarios,

Do you want to get more involved with OU Improv!? Do you want to become a
stronger player, work on your performance skills, or just have some fun
playing with our Core Member without an audience to watch? Well this is your

We are having a OUI! Hardcore Practice/Workshop session this Saturday
starting at 8:00pm. The plan was to move our practices to a room in the
Union, but unfortunately High School Speech & Debate tournaments have the
ENTIRE BUILDING reserved all day Saturday. Anyway, so we'll be having one
last workshop here at The Lair (932 Drake. Dr.) After we review the tape
from last week we might still be able to move to a larger space, possible
the food court in the Union. (We can't reserve that space without spending
lots of money, but we CAN "hang out" there, if its not already in use by the
kiddies.) Otherwise we'll clear out some space in the living room and make
the most of it.

Here's a quick message from OUI! HC member, James Murray:


Hello Improv Fans,

Ever want to give us some feedback on our shows?  Well now is your chance.
We have a message board set up at:


Feel free to register complaints, compliments, suggestions, and anything
else on your mind about OU Improv.  Tell us what games or additions you want
to see.  We value all feedback, so come on by and make the shows you already
enjoy that much better.



If anyone is interested in being the MC for the next show, please come to
the workshop this weekend.

That is all.


Eric Webb
Administrative Co-Chair, OU Improv!
Phone:  (405) 307-9769
AOL Instant Messenger: thelastavatar
E-Mail: [log in to unmask]

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