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Sasha Costanza-Chock <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 9 Apr 2009 17:10:36 -0700
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi all,  Mobile Voices (VozMob) needs your help!

We're an academic-community partnership between USC Annenberg and the 
Institute of Popular Education of Southern California (IDEPSCA), working 
on developing a digital-storytelling platform for mobile phones letting 
marginalized groups create and share stories about their lives and 

Right now, we're in the running for a $25,000 prize from NetSquared's 
'N2Y4 Mobile Challenge - using mobile technology for social change'. 
All we need to do is be voted as one of the top 14 contestants by the 
end of the week.

So here's what you can do to help in two easy steps:

Step 1: Vote for us in the N2Y4 Mobile Challenge Project Gallery!  Click 
here to get started: http://tinyurl.com/vote4vozmob
Note: The voting system requires you to choose three projects before you 
cast your ballot, so vote for us and at least 2 others from the project 
gallery. Once you've picked 3, you'll see the 'cast ballot' link appear 
in the right column of the page. Click the 'cast ballot' link and you're 
done! Here's the link to our project: http://tinyurl.com/vozmobN2Y4

Step 2: Spread the word! Please pass the word along to your friends on 
your social networks, twitter accounts, Facebook status, etc. You can 
use this message:

VozMob entered the N2Y4 challenge (http://tinyurl.com/vozmobN2Y4). 
Please vote for us! http://tinyurl.com/vote4vozmob

The voting window is really short. It closes at 3pm Pacific Time this 
Friday, but we think we have a real shot at winning it as long as we get 
everyone to cast a vote.  Thanks for your support!

The Mobile Voices Team

VozMob entered the N2Y4 challenge (http://tinyurl.com/vozmobN2Y4). 
Please vote for us by Friday, April 10! http://tinyurl.com/vote4vozmob