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Akina Mikami <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Akina Mikami <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:00:18 +1000
text/plain (118 lines)
Dear OURMedia members,

PLATFORM Journal of Media and Communication invites you to view papers of
the inaugural *PLATFORM* ANZCA Special Edition
a collaborative volume with the Australian and New Zealand Communication
Assocation <http://www.anzca.net/index.htm>.

"With generous financial support from the ARC-funded Cultural Research
Network and the ANZCA executive, five post-graduate workshops were held
across Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales. The most extensive workshop
was held at Queensland University of Technology in July 2009 as a
pre-conference ANZCA event. Selected post-graduates were given an
opportunity to present their research to eminent media and communications
scholars, including Professor Gerard Goggin, Professor John Hartley and
Professor Gay Hawkins, amongst others. ... From the plethora of talented
individuals who presented at the workshops, we are thrilled to present five
of the students' research in this very special edition. These five
postgraduates were chosen by their peers to reflect the variety of
interesting research currently occurring within the media and communications
field." - Diana Bossio, Editor.

Table of contents as follow:

*Diana Bossio, Swinburne Univerity, Australia and Blaise Murphet, University
of Melbourne, Australia.*


   - Communication Patterns Within Social Networks: A Case Study of
   Australian Women. *By Orit Ben-Harush, Queensland University of
   Technology, Australia*
   - Development, Cultural Maintenance and Traditional Owners: The LNG
   Development Proposal at James Price Point in the Kimberley. *By Deborah
   Ruiz Wall, University of Western Sydney, Australia*
   - Building Indigenous Social Capital in an Online World. *By Susan
   Bandias, Charles Darwin University, Australia*
   - Flip Skirt Fatales: How Media Fetish Sidelines Cheerleaders. *By Emma
   Tom, University of New South Wales, Australia*
   - The Mythic Element of Mass Media and Its Relation to Plato's Cave. *By
   Geoff Berry, Monash University, Australia*

There will be a launch party at the University of Melbourne on Thursday,
22nd April. You are invited to join us!
Time: 6pm-8.30pm
Place: Tsubu courtyard (opposite Frank Tate Building)

Happy reading!

Akina Mikami
(Journal Manager)

PLATFORM is an international peer-review graduate journal, available online
through open-access.

PLATFORM is refereed by an international board of established and emerging
scholars working across diverse paradigms in Media and Communication. It is
edited by graduate students at the University of Melbourne, and published by
the School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne.

Esther Chin (Founding Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 1)
Amira Firdaus (Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 2 Issue 1)
Dale Leorke (Editor-in-Chief, Vol. 2 Issue 2)
Sandy Joy Watson (Deputy Editor and Peer-Review Coordinator)
Luke van Ryn (Associate Editor)
Christopher Traficante (Essays Editor)
Ruhie Kumar (Reviews Editor)

Gin Chee Tong (Website and Creative Editor)
Marcos Dias (Website Editor)
James Donald (Website Editor)

Blaise Murphet

Akina Mikami (Journal Manager)
Lana Logam (Assistant Journal Manager)
Maria Shi (Communications Officer)

Advising Editor:
Ingrid Volkmer, University of Melbourne, Australia

Board Members:
Sean Cubitt, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jenny Lee, University of Melbourne, Australia
Mark Davis, University of Melbourne, Australia
Brian Fitzgerald, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Benjamin De Cleen, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
Joanna Redden, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
Tamara Witschge, Young Scholars Network, ECREA
Stefania Milan, Emerging Scholars Network, IAMCR
Michele Cheng Hoon Khoo, Student Board, ICA
Malte Hinrichsen, Student Board, ICA
Diana Bossio, ANZCA

Akina Mikami
Master of Global Media Communication
BA (Hons)(Media and Communications)
Dip. in Modern Languages in French
The University of Melbourne
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Journal Manager
PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication
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