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This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative media academics <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 May 2007 11:01:57 +0900
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To: Monique Potts <[log in to unmask]>
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A network of alternative, community & citizens media
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On 5/10/07 9:28 AM, "Monique Potts" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Could I please get some information on how/where to unsubscribe for this list.
> Thanks
> Monique
> From: This listserv will be used to facilitate communication among alternative
> media academics [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Alfonso
> Gumucio-Dagron
> Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2007 3:51 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Our Media 7 & OM 8 - Next Conferences
> I support the next conference in Ghana, and have a suggestion: we can already
> schedule two conferences. I suggest the OM7 conference takes place in Ghana in
> 2008, and the OM8 conference takes place in Budapest in 2009. This will allow
> for more time for planning and preparation.
> I support Ghana because this a region where Our Media has not been present
> yet.  It is an important region in development, and most of our work is
> related to development. It is also a region where new community media
> experiencies are developing very fast, and the discussion on community media
> is more necessary than ever.
> On top of the above, we have Wilna in Ghana, her offer to organise it, and I
> trust very much her skills as organiser and her capacity to gather a good
> local steering committee. Let's wait to hear from her in terms of putting
> together a good local committee.
> I don't very much endorse the idea of regional conferences, because they may
> disperse our efforts (as happened with the Social Forum).  There are other
> instances at the regional level where people can meet in smaller groups. We
> need all efforts together to put on one OurMedia/NuestrosMedios conference
> every year or every 18 months, so lets focus on that and contribute towards
> that end.
> Best regards,
> Alfonso
>> -----  Original Message -----
>> From: Wilna Quarmyne <[log in to unmask]>
>> Date:  Wednesday, May 9, 2007 2:53 am
>> Subject: Re: Letter from Ghana - OM7
>> To:  [log in to unmask]   <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>>> >
>> Good morning from Ghana, All.
>>> >
>>> > Last night,  I had the chance to acknowledge Alfonso's expression of
>>> > support for  Ghana's hosting of OM7.  Since then, there have been
>>> > similar  warming e-mail from Mavic, Amparo and Tanja - many thanks
>>> >  also.  Then came Clemencia's typically balanced and  inclusive
>>> > response, copying the proposal from Arne, Stefania and  Kate.  Very
>>> > much also appreciate the latter's disclaimer and  expression of
>>> > support for Ghana/Africa.
>>> >
>>> > Thought of  putting all together in a chain, but it might be too
>>> > unwieldy.
>>> >  One of the great differences I experienced and deeply appreciated
>>> > at  OM was the openness of the decision-making process - no
>>> > stultifying  resolutions, no jockeying for positions or "prestige",
>>> > an effort to  live the participatory processes that we profess.
>>> >
>>> > Athens,  Ohio; Budapest, Hungry; Accra, Ghana - each clearly offers
>>> > the  possibility to explore and extend new worlds for OM.   As in
>>> >  Sydney, Australia (which is the only one I've experienced), each
>>> >  admitting the world through, and sharing its own, different prisms.
>>> >  It would be wonderful to be led by Rafael (even if we have not yet
>>> >  met) through Appalachia and beyond, and by Arne, Stefania and Kate
>>> >  through Budapest and Central Europe.
>>> >
>>> > Needless to say, we would  love for all to come to Ghana/Africa -
>>> > the time is finally  nearly-right, the need is so great, the voices
>>> > so diverse and the  indigenous traditions so deep yet so overlooked
>>> > by the  media.
>>> >
>>> > When I say "our", I'm speaking for GCRN and those to  whom -
>>> > academicians, civil society activists - we have raised the  idea.
>>> > We are casting the net wider - if possible, beyond Ghana - which  is
>>> > partly why we are not yet listing those on the emerging  local
>>> > committee.  There is already, as I mentioned, great  excitement and
>>> > we just need to ground it in specifics.  You  will hear from us by
>>> > 31 May.
>>> >
>>> > A Good Day, and for those  on the other side of the world, Good
>>> > Evening to All!
>>> >
>>> >  Wilna
>>> >
>>> > P.S.  Copied above is the other e-mail address  I use - it has a
>>> > glitch so I can only receive from it at the  moment.
>>> >
>>> > ==================================
>>> > Addis Ababa Rd, cor Lagos Avenue, East  Legon
>>> > P O Box KA 9482
>>> > Accra, Ghana
>>> > Tel  +233.21.516441
>>> > Tel/Fax +233.21.516442
>>> >  ==================================
>>> > E-mail : [log in to unmask]
>>> >            [log in to unmask]
>>> > Mobile :  +233.24.470.43.93
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >      ___________________________________________________________
>>> >  Yahoo! Mail is the world's favourite email. Don't settle for less,
>>> >  sign up for
>>> > your free account today
>>> >
>> http://uk.rd.yahoo.com/evt=44106/*http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/mail/winter07.html
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