Hi all,
there are currently a few opportunities at Cardiff University for
people who wish to do an MA or Postdoc in topics that relate to
community, alternative, citizen, activist etc. media. The Cardiff
School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) has a strong
interest in these areas. Students can get involved with, for example,
the JOMEC Research Group Digital Media and Society and the Centre for
Community Journalism. I copy below a couple of links and
announcements, in case anyone is interested.
MA Digital Media and Society
The MA Digital Media and Society addresses current challenges of
online communication and internet studies, with a focus on citizen
journalism, big data and digital rights. Grants are currently
available to cover part of the tuition fees. Read more:
Marie Skłodowska Curie - Postdoctoral fellowships (IF) programme
The Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC)
invites expressions of interest from experienced postdoctoral
researchers as part of the Marie Skłodowska Curie - Individual
fellowships (IF) programme.
The School has 24 research active staff clustered across seven
research centres/groups: Digital Media and Society; Journalism and
Democracy; Media, Culture and Creativity; Communication and Human
Security; Science, Health and the Media; as well as the Tom Hopkinson
Centre for Media History and the Coma and Disorders of Consciousness
Research Centre.
Individual researchers submit proposals for funding in liaison with
their proposed JOMEC Supervisor. Proposals are judged on their
research quality, the researcher's future career prospects, and the
support offered by the host organisation.
Brief expressions of interest (including (1) 250 words on your
proposed research project and (2) your CV) must be sent by email to
Julie Jewell ([log in to unmask]). The subject line should be
Marie Curie Fellowships Applications 2016:
Important Dates:
* Deadline for Expression of Interest Application: May 27 2016, 17:00
(Brussels local time)
* Deadline for final submission: September 14 2016, 17:00 (Brussels
local time)
For more information about the Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowship
programme, see here: