Registration is now open for the international conference:
Surveillance and Citizenship: State-Media-Citizen Relations after the
Snowden Leaks
Cardiff University, 18-19 June 2015
The conference will bring together international scholars,
representatives of digital rights organisations, technological
developers, and surveillance experts to discuss the state of
surveillance and the implications of the Snowden revelations. Two
years after the leaks began, we will review their media
representation, policy developments, impacts on activism and civil
society, and technological responses. The conference will include
strategy sessions on policy reform and a usability and security
Speakers include Ben Wizner (ACLU, Snowden's lawyer), Mark Andrejevic
(Ponoma College), Kirstie Ball (Open University), Gus Hosein (Privacy
International), Annie Machon (former MI5 whistleblower), Tony Bunyan
(Statewatch), James Ball (The Guardian), Andrew Clement (University of
Toronto), Ian Brown (Oxford University), Seda Guerses (New York
University), Karin Wahl-Jorgensen (Cardiff University), Gavin
MacFadyen (Centre for Investigative Journalism), Anne Roth (German
Parliamentary Inquiry on Mass Surveillance).
Registration: (£50,
£30 for students/unwaged)
How to get there:
Where to stay:
More about the 'Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society' project:
We hope to see you in Cardiff on 18/19 June!
Arne Hintz