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Oklahoma Writing Project


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Allyson Swigert <[log in to unmask]>
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Allyson Swigert <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 25 Aug 2009 10:32:55 -0500
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Please remove my email address from your contacts. I am not involved with OWP. Thank you!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Janis Cramer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:22:34 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Special Education Conference October 24


The Special Ed conference schedule for October 10 has been changed to October 24. Information below. This is free to all Oklahoma Special Ed teachers. They need to register by contacting John Smith at the State Department of Education. Registration form will be online soonl Please forward to all your special education teacher friends. 

[log in to unmask] http://www.sde.state.ok.us 


in conjunction with the Special Education Department, State Department of Education 

Free Special Education Conference 

Saturday, October 24, 2009 

Douglass High School 

900 N. Martin Luther King Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73117 

Registration / Refreshments - 8:30 a.m. – 8:55 

Morning Sessions (Choose one) 9 a.m. to 12 noon 

Language Arts: 

“P.A.S.S.ing the 8 th Grade Reading CRT—How Writing Can Help” 

Beverly Micue, Highland Junior High, Moore 

Oklahoma Law now requires those under 18 to have an 8 th grade reading level before they can take the driving test. The 8 th grade reading P.A.S.S. skills can be not only achieved but enhanced by the use of writing. Reading improves writing. Writing improves reading. This presentation will show participants some ways to use writing to help special education students with vocabulary, comprehension, and responding to literature. 

Social Studies: 

“Engagement--the Key to Your Writing Adventure” 

Kendra Rakes, Central Junior High, Moore, Oklahoma 

Incoporating creative writing projects in Social Studies allows students to be connected to their learning. Using technology while collaborating with others on social studies projects, students are more willing to participate in the writing process. In this workshop, teachers will experiment with some projects that will demonstrate how students, through writing, can become involved in their own learning, creating their own adventures in social studies class. 


“Using Notebooks To Improve Student Learning in Science” 

Jessica Barrett, Alcott Middle School, Norman, OK 

Learn how to integrate strategies such as graphic organizers, mnemonic devices, free writes, and other tried and true teachers’ tools into a comprehensive student notebook. Strategies modeled in this presentation enhance student learning through reflection and inquiry. Learn techniques for managing, evaluating, assessing, and responding to students’ personal science notebooks. 


“Capture the Moment: Using Pictures to Develop Early Writing Skills” 

Kelli Chastain, NBCT, Lake Park Elementary, Bethany 

“What comes first, the chicken or the egg?” This is an age-old question. Likewise, early childhood teachers might ask, which comes first, reading or writing? This presentation will demonstrate how to generate writing and activate reading for authentic purposes. Come and experience how to use pictures, photos, and daily work from each subject area to make the reading and writing connection in the special education classroom. 

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Afternoon Sessions (Choose one) 

Language Arts: 

“Building Bridges: Helping Diverse Learners Conquer Challenging Curriculum” 

Cynthia Boyd, Douglass High School, Oklahoma City 

Teachers feel considerable pressure to improve student performance while, at the same time to make challenging content accessible and meaningful to a more diverse population of students. Helping students build bridges with prior knowledge so that they “connect” with the topic is crucial. Creative strategies are in order. This presentation aims to share a few that have worked for the presenter and to inspire other teachers to find and create more of their own. The presentation is geared toward secondary. 

Social Studies: 

“Connecting Literacy and the Social Studies Curriculum” 

Bonner Slayton, Moore-Norman Career Tech 

Too many students and teachers feel that there is not a connection between teaching literacy skills and the social studies curriculum. This presentation will focus on strategies that will help teachers incorporate reading, writing, and artistic activities within the scope of teaching social studies. Teachers will see proven activities that allow students to “get” social studies. They will also develop ideas and concepts from their own teaching practices and curriculum. 


“Incorporating Writing into Your Math Curriculum” 

Audra Plummer, NBCT, Co-Director, Oklahoma Writing Project 

This demonstration offers writing in mathematics strategies for the K-8 classroom that can be incorporated into the existing math curriculum. Participants will be introduced to various writing activities using literature, free writing, journals, and math autobiographies. Each participant will learn how writing in mathematics meets NCTM Mathematics Standards and encourages students to become writers. 


“Big Ideas for Little Writers: Writing Activities for Elementary Students” 

Jamie Johnson, Library Media Specialist, McKinley Elementary, Norman 

This presentation offers writing activities elementary special education students. Participants will be actively involved in a variety of writing activities that incorporate high quality children’s literature across the curriculum.