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Oklahoma Writing Project <[log in to unmask]>
Janis Cramer <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 May 2007 11:14:02 -0700
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Janis Cramer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (137 lines)
OWP Teacher Consultants--

Please read the letter below carefully and let me know
if your middle school is interested in participating
in the National Writing Project study described.  It
must be a school that has not yet benefitted from OWP



--- National Writing Project <[log in to unmask]>

> Subject: NWP Special Bulletin
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 16:30:19 -0700
> From: "National Writing Project"
> <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear Colleagues,
> As you know, NWP has commissioned SRI International
> to conduct a
> four-year national evaluation of writing project
> professional
> development conducted with partnership schools
> We have been working collaboratively with SRI to
> design a study that
> satisfies rigorous evidentiary requirements but at
> the same time
> provides useful information to us while respecting
> and valuing our
> network of education professionals.
> In order to conduct this national evaluation, we
> will need at least 32
> writing project partnerships involving middle grades
> (5-8) and/or middle
> schools from across the country. Since these
> partnerships need to be new
> programs involving schools that have not accessed
> writing project
> professional development and services before, NWP
> will provide incentive
> funding in the form of $12,000 annually for
> programmatic support to each
> school that agrees to participate in the study.
> Schools may be selected
> either to receive professional development or to
> delay professional
> development and serve as a comparison school for a
> time prior to
> beginning their professional development. However,
> regardless of the
> selection, the incentive funding will continue each
> year for the four
> years of the evaluation.
> We hope that, in addition to providing for a
> rigorous evaluation, this
> incentive funding will allow your site to reach out
> to middle
> grades/middle schools in your area that may not have
> been able to access
> writing project professional development in the
> past.
> If you are receiving this site bulletin, your site
> is eligible to
> participate in the study and consider recruiting
> interested schools. As
> an eligible site, you are being asked to complete a
> short online survey
> prepared by SRI at the following URL:
> The survey provides further details about the study,
> seeks information
> about your site's level of interest in taking this
> opportunity to
> recruit schools into a partnership for the
> evaluation, and invites you
> to estimate how many schools in your area would be
> interested. Please
> complete the survey by Monday, May 21. If you have
> questions about the
> survey or the evaluation, please contact Paul
> LeMahieu at
> [log in to unmask]
> Thank you for your time and continued dedication to
> improving student
> writing and learning through the writing project
> network. We believe
> that the results of this evaluation will benefit us
> all in the NWP and
> will provide information of direct use to you and
> your site.
> Richard Sterling
> Executive Director

Janis Cramer
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
"Teachers Teaching Teachers"
820 Van Vleet Oval
University of Oklahoma
Phone and Fax (405) 495-4903
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