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Krystal Traywick <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 00:38:36 -0400
text/plain (10 lines)
Hi everybody!  I'm hopping on the bandwagon here, so here's my information.

Krystal Traywick (Annalee Kenwick)
Semi-Senior--Graduating Dec '03
PWA major, no minor

I read a lot of epic sci-fi/fantasy, like Orson Scott Card, David Eddings, and Terry Brooks, to name the most well-known.  I also go in for romance and the occasional light horror or thriller.    My writing is currently elf-less fantasy with a little mainstream tossed in for variety, but I want to branch out into more genres soon.   One thing I'm hoping the PWA will accomplish is to help each of us improve our writing by getting honest and constructive critiques from people who have at least a basic knowledge of structure and technique (unlike roommates, pets, and parents).

Dibs on the parmesan shaker!