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William Prescott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Open discussions on the writer's craft <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:04:39 -0800
text/plain (233 lines)
Kathy is doing UW Milwaukee

--- Priscilla Allison <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I don't think I've successfully replied to anything on
this list yet, I hope I'm doing it right.  I wish I'd
been able to be at the meeting last night, but I had
to work.  However, it sounds like a lot got
accomplished!  Thank you Will for being willing to
take on the organizational responsibility and everyone
else for caring.  As for the research...I'll take

> Not sure if the message went through the first time.
> William Prescott <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> NOTE: If formatting problems occur, read the
> attachment.
>   Minutes from 11/17/05  PWAL Meeting
> I .Forgiveness
> I am the epitome of the disorganized male. If these
> minutes seem screwy, incomplete, or otherwise odd, I
> hereby nominate you to be the PWAL secretary.
> II. The Need to Organize
> We recognized the need for a more active, organized
> Professional Writing Association in order to combat
> the invisibility, underrepresentation, and gross
> misunderstandings about the mission and needs of the
> Professional Writing program.
> We are in the process of identifying short-term and
> long-term goals for both the PWA and the program in
> general. Any and all additional input is encouraged
> as well as desperately needed.
> Short Term Goals
>    Survey
>       Create and distribute a survey about general
> student satisfaction with the program, how they
> chose this major/graduate program, and what
> additional resources PW students would like to see.
>       Due Dates
>           i.      Prototype – Will be distributed
> for review by the end of the day.
>         ii.      Conducting the survey – Given to
> every PW student, during class, on 11/27-11/28.
>        iii.      Tally results – we need volunteers
> to tally the results. We hope to have enough
> volunteers to be able to compile the results in 30
> minutes or so.
>       iv.      Present results – see #2
>         v.      Future surveys – alumni survey, etc.
>    Checking out the Competition
>       Research other MPW programs and Professional
> Writing Schools.
>           i.      Reason – to identify aspects we
> like from other programs and to strive towards
> implementing them here at OU.
>         ii.      Estimated time commitment: 2 – 3
> hours
>        iii.      Method – select one program from
> the following list. Email the list to notify us
> which program you are researching. Then, note its
> (a) # of faculty, (b) interesting classes offered,
> (c) any resources offered that you would like to see
> at OU (d) post on the PWAL list serv
>       iv.      Due Date – 11/28
>         v.      Other schools/programs:
> 1.      University of Southern California: MPW
> 2.      Chatham Online: MPW
> 3.      Towson State University: MPW
> 4.      UMass Dartmouth: MPW
> 5.      Carnegie Mellon: MA in Prof. Writing
> 6.      Kenesaw State University: MA in Prof.
> Writing
> 7.      Western Connecticut State University: MFA in
> Prof. Writing
> 8.      UW Milwaukee: MA in Prof. Writing
> 9.      University of Texas: MFA in Prof. Writing
> 10.  SUNY-Courtland: BA in Prof. Writing
>       Continuing research
>           i.      The above is only a partial list,
> please continue to search and add programs to the
> list
>         ii.      Keywords: MPW, Master in
> Professional Writing, Professional Writing programs
>    Establish contacts with Dean Foote
>       Present results of survey – We want to
> establish contacts with the administration,
> illustrate the needs of the program, and demonstrate
> that the PWAL is willing to take responsibility for
> improving our own program
>       Needs
>           i.      Increased Visibility of the PW
> program
>         ii.      Adjuct Faculty – if we can recruit
> adjunct faculty that have been trained in the OU
> method of professional writing (i.e. published
> alumni or former instructors) then Davis and Chester
> can offer other courses than just the basics i.e.
> Fantasy Writing, Writing For Children/Young Adults,
> etc.
>        iii.      Visiting Scholars – considering the
> number of students and limited faculty, we want to
> encourage Gaylord College to recruit visiting
> professors that will teach the PW students
>    Christmas Party
>       We want to increase the feeling of community
> between PW students. We are looking to organize a
> Christmas party and have a good ol’ time.
> Long Term Goals
>    History of the PW program
>       The Professional Writing program has been
> around since 1938. We have a long tradition of
> outstanding instructors and successful alumni.
> However, this history is in danger of being lost.
>       Goal – Recruit a team to identify all
> published
=== message truncated ===

William D. Prescott

University of Oklahoma

office no. 405-325-2710

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