hey everyone,
just a message to let you know that there will be a short new sooner orientation meeting after ssec on thurs. to discuss what's planned, who's doing what, and a craft night/day get together before too long.
also, a movie night on wed. night was brought up by someone. i'm thinking that we could do that. the movie selection is up for grabs at this point, but if you're interested in joining us, give me a call (325-8260) and i'll give you the low down.
besides this, i had been kicking around making a camping trip this weekend on the 21st, however, i've had some people say that they couldn't make it. if we've got enough interest, we could go ahead and have one this weekend and another one possibly in august. what say you crew?
that's all for now. don't let the bastards keep you down.
the mistress of social events

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