OK. I moved the new web page into production at


Let me know if you like it or hate it or think I should change it or
whatever. We still need content for the following:

1. contact info for each of the major projects.
2. whatever other info for each project should appear on the page.
3. dates/times of events for the ssec calendar.
4. photos for the ssec photo album.
5. anything else people think should be in the page

if you've got images you want to contribute to the ssec photo album, you
can probably ftp them to
username: ssec
password: ssec
this will work for a short time. I hate ftp and I'm too paranoid to leave
it up for long.

you could email me images if ftp doesn't work out. I also accept
sneaker net submissions on floppy or CD.


Don't focus too much on generic structure; tailor each communication
to its context. "Memo" is an artificial construct.