in response to what was written--

first off, there was suppose to be an issue of the paper before labor day, which did not occur. my understanding was that the next issue was going to be finished and printed early last week and distrubited soon after. this did not occur either. until michelle emailed me to tell me what was up the day before your email was sent i had no clue what was going on. i wasn't making any accusations in my email--it was merely a plea for information. except for two emails i recieved the week before last having to do with work directly for the issue, i had not heard from anyone what's been up. i find it amusing that the web master knows more about why the paper i work on has not been published than i do, an editor. i find it less amusing that the printing delay has become my fault entirely.

in regards to the article i "backed out" on--the idea was for me to conduct an interview, which constitutes not only me being involved, but another person whom i interview. contact with said person could not be made, hence no interview. i could have fabricated one, but that wouldn't have been too ethical now would it? i admit that the problem with the interview being finished is due to the fact that my schedule is hectic because i do entirely too much to have enough free time to meet with people whenever. between taking 15 hrs of mostly 4000 level classes, being an officer of three different organizations, the managing editor of a journal, and trying to get into grad school--on top of being the arts editor of the paper, sometimes organizing a time that i can meet with others proves difficult. since this became true in this instance, i figured an article from associated press or one of the censored articles would fill the void left rather easily. my mistake. however, i find time to help out with everything i possibly can for this paper and had i been contacted i would've come up with some way to help out with the proofreading. in fact, i remember the reason i was contacted with those emails the week before last was in regards to a 3000 word article i was asked to edit down to less that 1500 words, which i spent four hrs in the computer lab doing.

now, for future reference--shauna does not have the internet in her apartment currently. in order for her to check email, she has to be on campus. if there's something you need from her at a specific time, you'd have more success calling and leaving her a message on her voice mail.

also, if you have a personal problem with me or any work i have or have not done, please speak to me directly through a private email or by phone. i am sure everyone on the list serve does not want to be subjected to grade school bantering everytime they check their messages. i apologize for the amount they've already been subjected to due to my query.


have a positively fucking great week. i surely entend to.



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