Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:25:41 -0400
From: WW <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [WW]  New U.S. ambassador has death-squad links
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Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 27, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Heather Cottin

While most people here were focused on the aftermath of the
attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the U.S.
Senate on Sept. 14 approved the nomination of John
Negroponte to the post of ambassador to the United Nations.

Under cover of the rightward impetus dominating national
politics, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee the day
before had voted 14-to-3 to approve Negroponte. Senators
were "anxious to fill the post of United States ambassador
to the United Nations," according to Reuters. But they were
aware, too, that this nomination was more likely to slip
through if it was done quietly, during a time when few were
paying attention.

Negroponte's career indicates the strong connection between
the U.S. imperialist business, publishing, military and
intelligence "communities." The White House, announcing his
nomination, boasted that Negroponte "served in a wide
variety of Foreign Service posts including ambassador to
Honduras from 1981-1985, ambassador to Mexico from 1989-1993
and ambassador to the Philippines from 1993-1996.

"He held the post of deputy assistant secretary of state
with the rank of ambassador for oceans and fisheries affairs
from 1976-1979 and was then appointed deputy assistant
secretary of state for East Asia and Pacific affairs in
1980. From 1985-1987, he was assistant secretary of state
for oceans and international environment and scientific
affairs. Reagan named him deputy assistant to the president
for national security affairs, a post he held until 1989."

But it was Negroponte's role in Central America, in the
creation of death squads in Honduras, and as a conspirator
in the Iran-Contra scandal that alerted activists to protest
his nomination as ambassador to the United Nations.


In April 2001 the Sydney Morning Herald reported, "President
George W. Bush's nominee for the post of U.S. ambassador to
the United Nations concealed from Congress human rights
abuses in Central America carried out by death squads
trained and armed by the CIA."

The New York Times credited Negroponte with "carrying out
the covert strategy of the Reagan administration to crush
the Sandinista government in Nicaragua" during his tenure as
U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981-1985. He oversaw the
growth of military aid to Honduras from $4 million to $77.4
million a year.

In early 1984, two U.S. mercenaries, Thomas Posey and Dana
Parker, contacted Negroponte, stating they wanted to supply
arms to the Contra army after the U.S. Congress had banned
governmental aid. Documents show that Negroponte connected
the two with a contact in the Honduran military. The
operation was exposed nine months later, at which point the
Reagan administration denied any U.S. government
involvement, despite Negroponte's contact earlier that year.

Other documents uncovered a scheme of Negroponte and then-
Vice President George Bush to funnel Contra aid money
through the Honduran government.

In addition to his work with the Nicaraguan Contra army,
Negroponte helped conceal from Congress the murder,
kidnapping and torture abuses of a CIA-equipped and -trained
Honduran military unit, Battalion 316. No mention of these
human rights violations ever appeared in State Department
human rights reports for Honduras.

After making a comprehensive study in June 1995 of
Negroponte's tenure in Honduras, the Baltimore Sun wrote:

"The intelligence unit, known as Battalion 316, used shock
and suffocation devices in interrogations. Prisoners often
were kept naked and, when no longer useful, were killed and
buried in unmarked graves. Newly declassified documents and
other sources show that the CIA and the U.S. Embassy knew of
numerous crimes, including murder and torture, committed by
Battalion 316, yet continued to collaborate closely with its

The Sun reported that Efrain Diaz Arrivillaga, then a
delegate in the Honduran Congress and a voice of dissent,
told the newspaper that he complained to Negroponte on
numerous occasions about the Honduran military's human
rights abuses. Rick Chidester, a junior embassy official
under Negroponte, reported to the Sun that he was forced to
omit an exhaustive section on human rights violations from
his 1982 State Department report.

Sister Laetitia Bordes went on a fact-finding delegation to
Honduras in May 1982 to investigate the whereabouts of 32
Salvadoran nuns and women of faith who fled to Honduras in
1981 after Archbishop Oscar Romero's assassination.
Negroponte claimed the embassy knew nothing.

But in 1996 Negroponte's predecessor, Jack Binns, reported
that the women had been captured, tortured and then crammed
into helicopters, from which they were tossed to their


According to the Los Angeles Times, shortly after
Negroponte's nomination was decided, the U.S. government
revoked the visa of Gen. Luis Alonso Discua Elvir, who was
Honduras's deputy ambassador to the UN.

General Discua was the commander of Battalion 316 during
Negroponte's tenure as ambassador. He has publicly claimed
to have information linking Negroponte with the battalion's
activities. His testimony would be invaluable in
illuminating Negroponte's collusion with Honduran opponents
on Capitol Hill. In 1994, the Honduran Human Rights
Commission charged Negroponte personally with several human
rights abuses.

All this took place while John Negroponte was ambassador. He
claimed in a recent hearing in the Senate to have forgotten
what happened during his watch in Honduras. Reuters reported
on Sept. 15, "Mr. Negroponte, pressed on various human
rights cases in Honduras and on what he discussed with the
contras, told the Senate committee he could not remember."

The Washington Post on Sept. 15 noted during the nomination
hearings, "Committee members questioned whether Negroponte
played down or knowingly failed to report government abuses,
possibly affecting congressional support for the Reagan
administration's plan to build up the military in
neighboring Central American nations."

They apparently had no objections when Negroponte replied by
asserting he served "honorably and conscientiously in a
manner fully consistent with and faithful to applicable laws
and policies."

Reuters had written the day before, "Senators said the
United States needed an ambassador in New York as soon as
possible to mobilize international support for President
Bush's campaign against terrorism." No one apparently saw
the duplicity or irony of appointing as ambassador to the
United Nations a man who was officially responsible for a
nefarious episode of U.S. state terrorism.

- END -

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