stephanie--i need copies of the fliers that'll be posted so that permits can be obtained to post them. please email me a copy of them or get me a hard copy soon.
okay folks, ran into a  problem today--
cac is having publicity week events on wednesday and thursday of the week we were going to do the readings and have already been given permission for those days. that leaves us w/ two options: a) moving the reading on those two days to another location besides the south oval  b) doing the readings on only a couple of days that week.  let me know what you think.
donation info
as for everyone who's gotten in contact with me about donating stuff for the event--first off, thank you. if you are letting us borrow books for the table, please write your name on the inside of the cover or somewhere else  noticeable on the book. also, if you have the information about where and why the book was banned, if you could put a piece of paper or an index card inside towards the front of the book with that info written on it that'd be great. 
as far as bake sale items go, anything is welcome. we have to have the items individually wrapped in serving size amounts, so if you can have that done for us when you bring the stuff that'd be wonderful. if not, we can probably take care of it.  
we will be setting up at 10am on the 24th outside bizzell statue. if you are able to bring the stuff then and help out, that'd be great. if not, you can bring it by throughout the day. the readings are from 10:20-3:00 each day and we'll be closing shop pretty quickly at three. if you need to drop the stuff off before 10 on monday, grettie bondy gave us permission to drop stuff off at her office on the first floor in gittenger hall until they are needed. if anyone has any other questions/concerns/problems, feel free to call/contact me and we'll work things out as best we can.  
one other thing--we need people willing to sit at the table during the readings and we also need lots of people to come by and read. if you can work at the table anytime from 10-3 that week please let us know through email or by contacting me directly. i will be at the table as much as possible throughout the week, but we need as many people as we can get to schedule a time to work, even if you can only stay for half an hour or so that gives someone else time to take a break.
we had planned on putting up fliers this monday the17th after a quick meeting at 7 in front of gittenger hall. that depends on getting permits for them and enough copies on monday. if that proves difficult, we'll have to meet on tues sometime to post fliers. we also had planned on chalking thursday the 20th, meeting before in front of gittenger hall again at 7. anyone that can help us do these things will be most appreciated.
thanks for everything guys and gals.  

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