Well, as I understand it, one of our front page articles was supposed to be written by you. However, you backed out, leaving the only page not finished still incomplete. As a result, the publishing was further delayed. Michele informs me that we finally received a front page article at 3:00 AM and that the paper has gone to print. Once again, Michele was the only one that proof read. Because of an error on your part, as well as other editors, and the fact that Michele was the only one to proof read, the Undercurrent was set back two weeks. Optimistically the paper will be ready for distribution by Monday. Have a good weekend. -Phil On Friday, September 7, 2001, at 03:32 PM, shauna osborn wrote: 0000,0000,DEDEgot a question--where's the issue of the undercurrent that was suppose to be done this week? has it been printed yet and just not distributed? what's going on?